
 2023-01-12 12:01



lt;Agt; = Zminus;1 A(i1, i2,...,iN ) W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (1)

Z =sum; i1 i2 ... iN W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (2)


nu; equiv; {i1, i2,...,iN }.眼下,假定W是正定;那么组合n p(nu;) = W(i1, i2,...,iN )/Z可被解释为配置重,因为它是积极的,归一化为对于A的表达可考虑那么作为量的平均值A(nu;)在所有可能的配置分别配置包含的概率p(nu;)。的简写形式是

A = (3)

公式之间的连接。 (3)和统计物理是显而易见的。在stat.mech问津的各种量平均平衡

的系统状态的统计信息。如果所有的系统状态是由所列举的(多维)指数nu;和它们的能量Enu;,那么概率nu;发生在该平衡是由规格化吉布斯分布给出p(nu;) = eminus;Enu; /Z, i.e. W(nu;) = eminus;Enu;


即使方程(1)没有分母并且仅仅需要知道A(nu;),则正式策略是引入W(v)equiv;1和Z=W()=。计算值降低到完全一样的形式提供nu;是很容易得到解析。一个典型的例子是由提供蒙特卡洛模拟多维体体积。试想一下,有些讨厌的函数F(X1,X2,...,XN)= F(v)=0特指体表(所有使用Flt;0点属于物体)而我们的任务是计算其体积,

即我们需要Vb = ... theta;(minus;F(nu;)) (4)

其中,theta;(z)的是阶梯函数:theta;(Zlt;0)= 0

theta;(Zgt; 0)= 1,


Vb equiv; aN lt; theta;(minus;F(nu;))gt;nu; 其中 (nu; isin; V0) , (5)


有许多其他与式(1)很类似的例子出现在科学的不同领域,但现在我们关注的问题的具有N个如此之大,这是不可能的,总结了在一个所有术语合理的时间即使使用超级计算机。例如,如果每个变量只有两个值ik=plusmn;1,但有N= 100其中,然后在总和计算的总数将是2100或1030左右,甚至万亿级触发器(每秒1012操作)的电脑将无法完成这项工作。在一个人的生命时所有配置的只有一小部分可占对。什么是希望,然后,答案可以用一些推理被发现能和控制精度? [在这一点上,我们必须忘掉准确回答!]。



很多个人投票的组合。但是我们想知道刚才一个数字,什么是“有利于人A的”的比例是多少?这是至关重要的该组合与该号码作为数gt; 50%,也指数大。你也许会同意,如果很多,假如说100,选在生的人都持有一个赢得所有的人都那么我们已经确定舆论谁应该是总统非常准确。所以,我们做并不需要了解所有的投组合(其实我们现在的想法有关其中大部分),所有我们需要的是一个大的代表组的选票。

正是同样的原因使得MC模拟一个有用的工具,数值。该W和A功能一般采取相同(或非常接近)值指数许多配置nu;,我们姑且称之为A{nu;}。现在,如果我们所有的配置分为A{nu;},那么我们需要一个很好的估计A的平均值的是一个大的有代表性的一组配置从不同的分组。在机身体积的问题很好地说明了这作品。为在身体的所有配置我们有theta;= 1,对于所有其它的结构我们有theta;= 0 。MC仿真算法非常简单,那么:

1.初始化计数器; Attempt=Attempt; Result=0。

2.使用的随机数字的一个点的V0体积与内均匀概率密度,例如X1= a·Rndm(),X2= a·Rndm()等

3.更新计数器; Attempt=Attempt 1; Result=Result theta;(nu;);回到第二步,不时可以检查如何计算会通过输出V0·(Result/Attempt)。




H = minus;J minus; h . (6)


有效磁场(H =mu;B,这里mu;是磁矩),和sigma;i =plusmn;1




M = (7)

假设我们必须找到磁化的平均模量。然后,在我们正式符号,nu;=sigma;1,sigma;2,...sigma;N,A(nu;)=| M(sigma;1,sigma;2,...)|和W(nu;)= EXP {-H(sigma;1,sigma;2,...)/ T}。我们注意到,这对于N旋转,其中有总共2N不同的配置中,只有N / 2 1的不同的值的| M |= 0,2,4,...,N。要了解| M|是,一组有代表性的N阶配置就足够了。但是应当理解的是N /2N是一个非常小的部分配置(在最先进的模拟N是一样大,N =500000 000!)


在许多情况下(例如,在统计物理)在W-函数的结构是这样的配置只有一小部分确定的答案。所有在其它的结构具有非常小W,如此小,以至于它们的节拍大量(换言之的“不具代表性”配置的数量不补偿的小的值的W,以及它们的贡献答案仍然是指数小)。什么在这种情况下是必要的,是总结起来只有最重要的条款的巧妙方法。注意,这不是一个优化问题,因为一个人必须增加许多方面要得到正确的答案,并占主导地位的贡献可能不是来自W的最大值,但是从W倍的数目的最大具有大致相同的W,即从最高配置WeS〜e-F / T,其中使用了以下统计物理符号:与给定能量的配置数量= eS

S =熵

亥姆霍兹自由能F= E – TS







从任何初始配置开始随机生成的过程新的配置,以被纳入的总和必须允许所有其他将在长期运行中产生的配置 - 这是普遍性的要求。去满足它,因为我们不会错过任何这是非常重要的而不能看他们的条款。此规则也很重要对于该模拟收敛到确切的答案(这是证明所有条款的总和)。


让我们首先证明,在无限计算时间的两个极限答案 - 全额和随机总和 - 将同意对方到底。接下来,我们将讨论如何能安排一个简单的随机过程,从而使的结构的概率要包括进总和成正比其重量。的确,在无限的时间限制,我们可以写出:


第一个等式由普遍性要求,即所有的配置将入账,并Mnu;告诉我们多少次。第二变换为每个配置中出现的次数总和是可能的,因为Mnu;正比于结构的重量,即Mnu;= cW(nu;)。取消C-因素,我们在原来的表达式为到达lt;Agt;,见式(1)。


1.初始化计数器:Z = 0;结果= 0;


2.包括配置成的总和:Z = Z 1;结果=结果 A(nu;);

3.另外建议配置这源于nu;通过,比如,提示改变变量中的一个的值。变量iK和它的新值可以随机,如选择随机播放号码来接以改变该变量k = [rndm * N] 1,并且如果iK可采取任何值从列表a1,a2,...,aK带K-条目,然后,玩随机数来挑选新值iK是列表条目号s = [rndm * K] 1。在此例中所建议的配置变化nu;→是{i1,...,iK,...,}→{i1,...,,...,},其中=为。从nu;获得的过程被称为更新。在这一点,该算法是非常灵活的,并且许多不同的更新可设计。这种自由可以被用于最大化的效率算法,或最小化编程工作。此外,在相同的码数的更新,可以使用(详情后)。

4.现在,我们必须弄清楚如何将新配置成总和的概率与它的重量成正比。因为我们从开始nu;被已接受进入的总和,概率接受nu;可通过简单的比较W(nu;)和W()的权重。在特别是,我们必须确保,任何接受nu;我们接受nu;平均W(nu;)/ W(nu;)次。要求Mnu;= CW(nu;)是建立然后通过一系列的比率




Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are, probably, the most powerful numerical tool to get the answers for large systems. MC is a universal technique, and can be applied to virtually any problem, but unfortunately its convergence is severely affected by the sign problem (to be discussed at the end of this section). We will start with the simplest application of MC methods to discrete and continuous classical systems. Quantum systems will be covered later in the course.

Classical Monte Carlo Suppose one has to evaluate the ratio of two N-dimensional sums (or integrals) of the form A = Zminus;1 i1 i2 ... iN A(i1, i2,...,iN ) W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (1) Z = i1 i2 ... iN W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (2) where functions A and W are arbitrary. Let us also introduce the notion of configuration, nu;, which is just the collection of all summation indices: nu; equiv; {i1, i2,...,iN }. For the moment, assume that W is positive defi- nite; then the combination p(nu;) = W(i1, i2,...,iN )/Z may be interpreted as the configuration weight because it is positive and normalized to unity. The expression for A may be considered then as the average of quantity A(nu;) over all possible configurations were each configuration is included with the probability p(nu;). The short hand notation is A = nu; A(nu;)W(nu;) nu; W(nu;) (3) The connection between Eq. (3) and statistical physics is apparent. In stat.mech one is interested in various quantities averaged over the equilibrium statistics of the system states. If all system states are enumerated by the (multi-dimensional) index nu; and their energies are Enu;, then the probability of nu; to happen in the equilibrium is given by the normalized Gibbs distribution 1 Classical Monte Carlo Suppose one has to evaluate the ratio of two N-dimensional sums (or integrals) of the form A = Zminus;1 i1 i2 ... iN A(i1, i2,...,iN ) W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (1) Z = i1 i2 ... iN W(i1, i2,...,iN ) , (2) where functions A and W are arbitrary. Let us also introduce the notion of configuration, nu;, which is just the collection of all summation indices: nu; equiv; {i1, i2,...,iN }. For the moment, assume that W is positive defi- nite; then the combination p(nu;) = W(i1, i2,...,iN )/Z may be interpreted as the configuration weight because it is positive and normalized to unity. The expression for A may be considered then as the average of quantity A(nu;) over all possible configurations were each configuration is included with the probability p(nu;). The short hand notation is A = nu; A(nu;)W(nu;) nu; W(nu;) (3) The connection between Eq. (3) and statistical physics is apparent. In stat.mech one is interested in various quantities averaged over the equilibrium statistics of the system states. If all system states are enumerated by the (multi-dimensional) index nu; and their energies are Enu;, then the probability of nu; to happen in the equilibrium is given by the normalized Gibbs distribution

The second factor is the average of theta;(minus;F(nu;)) over all configurations in the enclosing box. There are many other examples of how expressions similar to Eq. (1) appear in different fields of science, but what concerns us now is the problem of having N so large that it is not possible to sum over all terms in a reasonable time even with the use of supercomputers. For example, if each variable takes only two values ik = plusmn;1, but there are N = 100 of them, then the total number of terms in the sum will be 2100 or roughly 1030, and even Tera-flop (1012 operations per second) computers will fail to do the job. In a human life-time only a tiny fraction of all configurations can be accounted for. What is the hope then that the answer can be found with some reason-

able and controlled accuracy? [At this point we have to forget about exact answer!]. There are two separate considerations of why it is possible to find A with high accuracy. Consideration #1. This is similar to the direct election of the president between two candidates. Yes, every vote counts, and there are exponentially many individual vote combinations. However we would like to know just one number—what is the percentage of “in favor of person A”? It is crucial that the number of combinations with this number being gt; 50% is also exponentially large. You will probably agree that if many, say 100, elections are held in a raw and person A wins all of them then we have determined the public opinion who should be the president pretty accurately. So, we do not need to know all the vote combinations (in fact we have now idea about most of them), all we need is a large representative set of votes. Exactly same reason makes MC simulations a useful numerical tool. The W and A functions typically take the same (or very close) value for exponentially many configurations nu;, letrsquo;s call them a subgroup setA{nu;}. Now, if we split all configurations into subgroups setA{nu;}, then all we need for a good estimate of the average value of A is a large representative set of configurations from different subgroups. The body volume problem nicely illustrates how it works. For all configurations in the body we have theta; = 1, for all other configurations we have theta; = 0. The algorithm of MC simulation is very simple then: 1. Initialize counters; Attempt=0; Result=0. 2. Use random numbers to seed a point inside the V0 volume with the uniform probability density, e.g. x1 = a · rndm(),x2 = a · rndm(), etc. 3. update counters; Attempt=Attempt 1; Result=Result theta;(nu;); and go back to point 2. From time to time you may check how the calculation is going by printing V0 · (Result/Attempt). Of course, all we do in this algorithm is computing the fraction of volume occupied by the body which is also the probability if hitting it by generating points in V0 at random.



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