ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1224-7927
摘要:本研究旨在探讨幼儿游戏技能与注意力的关系。方法:本研究的模型是关系型的搜索模型。在2016-2017年教育期间,共有100名学生(50名女孩,50名男孩)作为志愿者参加了Kırşehir 80年幼儿园六年级组的研究。游戏能力评估量表和法兰克福注意力测试作为测量工具。在数据分析中;采用spss21软件包程序。采用kolmogrowth - smirnov检验将游戏表现得分和计算得到的注意得分纳入数据集,并检验量表得分正态分布的适用性。对性别变量采用独立样本t检验,对两变量之间的关系采用Pearson相关检验。在人口统计特征方面,对百分比、频率和算术平均值进行了检验。结果:分析结果表明,儿童游戏技能和注意力得分的平均得分在性别变量上存在显著差异。这种差异受到女士们的青睐。通过分析游戏技能得分和注意力得分之间是否存在有意义的关系,发现它们之间存在正向的有意义关系。结论:由此可以得出,幼儿游戏技能与注意力之间存在着很强的关系。
注意力在人类发展和学习的各个方面都占有重要的地位,它对于学习过程的继续尤为必要。对细节的细心注意可以保存在个体的记忆中(Frommer, 1993: 7)。可以看出,收集注意和注意的概念在日常文学和科学文学中都是同义词。一般的倾向是将注意力接受为注意力的上层形式。注意收集是“有意识地将个体的注意力收集到某一点的技巧”,在这一过程中,个体的心理发展、年龄、个体特征发挥着重要作用(Ouml;zdoğan, 2004: 24)。Aydın(1999: 49)影响学校注意力的一些消极变量如下:智力,知觉和记忆过程的功能问题,学生的认知技能和精神运动技能不在适当的水平,内部(缺乏营养和睡眠,疲劳等)和外部(热,光,声等)身体刺激的有机体,动机过度或不足、反馈不足、担心失败、极度焦虑和紧张、以教师为中心的教学策略主导教育、课堂互动中的共情知觉剥夺、过度标准化的成功测量和对学生成绩评价的理解,教学不能满足学生的完整性和自主性要求,缺乏民主、参与性和灵活性的教学方式。有一些技巧可以摆脱这种剥夺。这些技术的开始就是游戏。正如希腊人在2500年前所说:“健康的精神寓于健康的身体”。他们揭示了这种密切的关系,以至于他们可以观察到自己在做什么。在最近的研究;体操运动不仅能让你从多余的体重中恢复过来,纠正你的身体线条,让你感觉良好,但同时你可以更健康地思考,更重要的是,延缓大脑的衰老(McCleary, 2009: 145)。在华人社区,参加活动如阅读、写作、解谜、打牌、玩纸牌游戏、参加小组讨论和演奏乐器,参加这些活动,损失发生的风险降低5%。大多数向积极方向增加分数的活动是由于读书的习惯和一种叫做麻将的中国多米诺骨牌(McCleary, 2009: 161)。
本研究是应校长的要求进行的。本研究采用关系搜索模型,探讨幼儿游戏技能与注意力的关系。关系搜索模型;是一个研究模型,旨在确定两个或多个变量之间的存在和/或交换程度(Karasar, 2014: 77)。在2016-2017年教育期间,共有100名学生(50名女孩和50名男孩)参加了Kırşehir 80年幼儿园的研究。参加者的人口统计特征见表1。
表1 学生的人口统计特征
常数(N) |
百分比% |
班级 |
雏菊班 |
21 |
21 |
蓝精灵班 |
19 |
19 |
瓢虫班 |
23 |
23 |
星星班 |
15 |
15 |
草莓班 |
22 |
22 |
总数 |
100 |
100 |
性别 |
女孩 |
50 |
50 |
男孩 |
50 |
50 |
总数 |
100 |
100 |
年龄 |
6 |
100 |
100 |
数据收集使用游戏能力评估量表和法兰克福注意测试。游戏技能评估量表:技能评估量表由Fazlıoğlu Ilgaz和Papatağ(2013)由27项使用潜油电泵Likert-type评级为了确定什么样的有趣的技能6岁的孩子们在比赛中,并确保这些技能是揭示了父母。量表的Cronbach Alpha内部一致性系数为0.93。法兰克福的注意力测试。(FTF-K)(5-6岁儿童集中注意力测试):由Raatz和Mouml;hling(1971)开发,旨在测量儿童集中注意力的技能,要求儿童在90秒内找到和标记苹果和梨混合的梨(Kuscu, 2010)。在土耳其,为了理解和应用安卡拉大学教育科学学院高年级学生在临床心理学实践课程中的测试,对30名5至6岁的儿童进行了这一测试。FTF-K检验的可靠性是通过测试-重测法确定的。检验1与检验2的相关系数r = 0.79。该量表由每个研究人员单独管理给每个孩子(Kaymak, 1995)。FTF-K注意力收集测试是由研究人员对每个孩子单独或在小群体中进行的。在测试中,孩子在90秒内画出的梨构成了原始分数。与此同时,土耳其的许多研究都采用了这种量表(Kaymak, 1995;Koccedil;yiğit, Kayılı和Erbay, 2010;Kayılı和Arı, 2011;Erbay, 2013)
本研究中使用的数据收集工具是游戏技能评估量表(Game Skills Assessment Scale),由学生家长进行评估。对学生进行了法兰克福注意力测试。在数据分析中;采用spss21软件包程序。将游戏技能分数和计算的注意分数输入数据集,采用KolmogrowSmirnov检验量表分数正态分布的适合度。Buuml;yuuml;kouml;ztuuml;rk(2012)建议如果n大于或等于50,使用“Kolmogorov-Smirnov”测试。性别变量采用独立样本t检验,两变量之间的关系采用Pearson相关。在人口统计特征方面,对百分比、频率和算术平均值进行了检验。
表2 性别儿童游戏技能和注意力水平的测试结果
性别 |
N |
X |
S |
F |
P |
游戏技巧 |
男 |
50 |
291460 |
887.41 |
3.912 |
0.014 |
女 |
50 |
342966 |
1150.34 |
总数 |
100 |
注意力 |
男 |
50 |
26.36 |
6.34 |
2.028 |
0.002 |
女 |
50 |
30.90 |
7.88 |
总数 |
100 |
表3 儿童游戏技能与注意力的相关分析结果
游戏技能 |
注意力 |
r |
856** |
p |
.000 |
n |
100 |
根据表3,我们通过Pearson相关分析来确定游戏技巧分数和注意力分数之间是否存在显著的相关关系,并且发现两者之间存在显著的正相关关系(r=。856年,p lt; . 01)。由此可见,学龄前儿童的游戏技能与注意力之间存在着很强的关系。
本研究旨在探讨幼儿注意力与游戏技能之间的关系。研究结果表明,儿童的游戏技能和注意水平在性别上存在显著差异。这种差异似乎有利于女性。大量的研究表明,儿童的性别会影响他们的游戏行为,性别变量在选择玩伴方面甚至是有效的,男孩更喜欢身体游戏,女孩更喜欢“像玩”(Colwell and Lindsey, 2005;康奈尔和普林斯,2002年;Gerrits, Goudena和van Aken, 2005;格里森,2005;林德琳和米兹,2001a;Zachopoulou, Trevlas和Tsikriki, 2004)。此外,Uylaş, Yalccedil;ın, Panda Sari和Scarboro(2014)性别变量决定了游戏的地点,游戏组的规模,控制水平,冲突解决策略和这些解决方案中应用的正义标准。在分析游戏技能得分与注意力得分之间是否存在有意义的关系时,我们发现两者之间存在正向的有意义的关系。由此可见,学龄前儿童的游戏技能与注意力之间存在着很强的关系。
根据Mackey, Hill, Stone, Bunge (2011);游戏训练可以改变和提高推理和处理速度等认知过程,这与研究结果是一致的。Benigno ve Farrar(2012)根据对32个兄弟姐妹游戏的研究发现,兄弟姐妹间玩的游戏得出了影响注意发展的结论。根据Seccedil;er和Ouml;zmen(2015)关于注意聚集活动对前文学龄前儿童思维和注意聚集技能影响的研究结果;有人说,实验组儿童进行提高注意力收集技能的活动(游戏等),减少了儿童的错误次数,提高了注意力收集能力。aydın等人(2016)在Zeka
Meryem ALTUN Ouml;mer Halisdemir University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Niğde / Turkey ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1224-7927
Abstract: Aim: In this research, it is aimed to examine the relationship between play skills and attention of kindergarten students. Method: The model of this study is the relational search model. A total of 100 students (50 girls, 50 boys) participated in the research as a volunteer in the 6th year group of the Kırşehir 80th Year Nursery School during the 2016-2017 education period. The Game Ability Assessment Scale and the Frankfurter Attention Test were used as the measurement tools. In the analysis of the data; SPSS 21 package program was used. The Kolmogrow-Smirnov test was used to test the game performance scores and the calculated attention scores into the data set and to test the suitability of the normal distribution of scale scores. İt was used Independent Samples t-test for gender variables, Pearson Correlation test for the relationship between two variables. In the demographic characteristics, the percentages, frequencies and arithmetic averages are examined. Results: The results of the analyses show that, the mean scores of the childrenrsquo;s game skills and Attention score are significantly different according to the gender variable. This difference is favored by ladies. As a result of the analysis made to determine whether there is a meaningful relationship between the game skills scores and the Attention scores, it was found that there is a meaningful relationship between them in the positive direction. Conclusion: According to this, it can be said that there is a strong relation between play skills and attention of pre-school students. Key Words: Kindergarten, Six Age, Attention, Playing Skills
lNTRODUCTlON Attention, which has an important place in all aspects of human development and learning, is particularly necessary for the continuation of the learning process. Careful attention to detail can be kept in the individualrsquo;s memory (Frommer, 1993: 7). It is seen that the concepts of collecting attention and attention are used synonymously in daily literature as well as scientific literature. The general tendency is to accept attention as an upper form of attention. Attention collecting is “the skill of consciously collecting the attention of the individual to a certain point” and in this process the individualrsquo;s mental development, age, individual characteristics play an important role (Ouml;zdoğan, 2004: 24). Aydın (1999: 49) Some negative variables that affect attention in school are as follows: Problems in the functioning of intelligence, perception and memory processes, the cognitive skills of the student and the psychomotor skills are not at the appropriate level, the internal (lack of nutrition and sleep, fatigue etc.) and external (heat, light, sound etc.) physical stimuli that the organism is in, excessive or insufficient motivation, inadequacy of feedback, worry about failure, extreme anxiety and tension, teacher-centered teaching strategies dominate education, empathic perception deprivation in classroom interaction, over-standardized success measures and an understanding of student performance evaluation, failure to meet the studentrsquo;s integrity and autonomy requirements in teaching, lack of a democratic, participatory and flexible teaching approach in education. There are some techniques to get rid of this deprivation. At the beginning of these techniques is the game. As the Greeks have said about 2500 years ago: “Mens sano in corpore sano” - “ A healthy mind in a healthy body.” They have revealed this close relationship to the extent that they can observe what they are doing. In recent studies; that gymnastics exercises not only allow you to recover from excess pounds, correct your body lines, make you feel good, but at the same time you can think healthier and more importantly, delay aging in your brain (McCleary, 2009: 145). In the Chinese peoplersquo;s community, participating in activities such as reading, writing, puzzle-solving, playing cards, playing card games, participating in group discussions and playing musical instruments, participated in these activities, 5% reduction in the risk of loss occurrences. The majority of the activities that increase the score in the positive direction are due to the habit of reading books and a Chinese Dominos called mahjong (McCleary, 2009: 161). Young children are faced with new information every day and associating them withconcepts that they have already acquired or developing new concepts. It is necessary to support the multi-faceted development of the kindergarten (6 years old) children and to present them with a systematic and conscious education process which is the foundation of the life-long learning. Beginning to study is one of the most important steps that affect families, especially in their lives. Many important steps have been taken in this period, especially in the mental development of the child, and the education has been shifted to a more systematic, more concrete and necessary stage. If the child has not received preschool education; to move away from the family, to adapt to the new orientation, and to become academicly adept. Problems and level differences at the attention levels are evident in this period. Attention problems, which is an important issue to learn, emerge from the beginning of this period. These problems, which are known to be over a hundred years old, have begun to be discussed intensively in our country in recent years. There are educational games to support attention development that allow children to learn by playing. It is ensured that the behavior of the child playing with the selected games continues to be active in a certain period of time in line with the directions fo