
 2023-03-21 06:03


原文作者 Ilona Friso-van den Bos⁎,Evelyn H. Kroesbergen, Johannes E.H. van Luit 单位荷兰乌得勒支大学教育与学习科学系


关键词:数字感觉; 因素结构; 工作记忆;符号加工;


孩子们怎样才能理解相同的数字词可以指代任何相同数量的集合,而不需要这一集合包含相同的元素,或者甚至不需要直接可见的元素?通常用来描述这种对数字和数量的理解的术语是数字感(number sense, NS),或在心理上代表和操纵数字和数量的能力(Dehaene, 1992,2001),从而产生比较和操纵数字的能力(Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni, amp; Watkins, 2010)。尽管这一定义相当狭窄,但大量与数字相关的陈述性技能被视为NS的象征,对于应该将哪些成分纳入数字感觉的定义中,人们几乎没有达成一致(例如,Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni和Watkins, 2010;Malofeeva, Day, Saco, Young, amp; Ciancio, 2004)。一个主流的观点是,在发展NS技能的同时,孩子们逐渐学会计数,用数字来描述数量,比较数字和数量,并最终通过计算来操纵数字。与此同时,他们对数字的直觉和陈述性知识都在增长。

早期的NS被认为是后期数学表现最重要的预测因素:比一般智力更重要,并且在控制工作记忆等其他指标时仍然存在(例如,Geary, Hoard, Nugent, amp; Bailey, 2013;Mazzocco, Feigenson, amp; Halberda, 2011)。同样,早期的NS问题可能会导致孩子在整个学术生涯中的数学表现出现长期问题(Ansari amp; Karmiloff-Smith, 2002;巴特沃斯,2005)。在过去的几十年里,关于NS的成分、其对后期性能的预测作用以及NS中补救延迟的可能性的研究已经扩大(例如,Dyson, Jordan, amp; Glutting, 2013;Toll amp; Van Luit, 2013年a)。本研究在现有认知的基础上,探讨了脑刺激的因素结构和工作记忆的预测作用。1.1.数感的构成

虽然近年来有关NS的研究有所增加,但对其定义的共识有限。Dehaene(1992,2001)强调了在心理上表示数量的直觉能力,但其他定义侧重于数字的陈述性知识,以及对数字进行比较和操作的能力,这一点得到了一系列与数量相关的测试的证明(Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni, amp; Watkins, 2010;Malofeeva等人,2004)。此外,有限数量的研究针对的因素的基础上构建。在过去的几年中,人们对NS进行了三种因素分析:一种是两因素模型,用于区分与数字相关的技能和快速命名(Lago amp; DiPerna, 2010)。第二个因素分析研究区分了三个因素:符号NS、非符号NS以及非符号和符号表征之间的映射(Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2013)。第三项研究报告了不少于5个非象征性的NS因素

比较、符号比较、符号标注、机械计数和计数知识(Cirino, 2011)。这三项研究都涉及幼儿园的NS测量,但产生因素之间唯一重叠的地方是Kolkman, Kroesbergen, Leseman(2013)和Cirino(2011)的研究都发现了符号处理和非符号处理之间的区别。

尽管因子分析的数量很少,而且可用的模型之间缺乏重叠,但关于NS的组件已经做出了许多断言。在各种研究中,已经对象征性技能和非象征性技能进行了区分(defver, Sasanguie, Gebuis, amp; Reynvoet, 2011;Holloway amp; Ansari, 2009;Jordan, Glutting,和Ramineni, 2010;Sasanguie, Defever, Maertens, amp; Reynvoet, 2014;Vanbinst, Ghesquiegrave;re, amp; De Smedt, 2012)。非符号技能通常被认为是符号技能的基础,这意味着符号数量被认为映射到非符号数量表征(Barth, La Mont, Lipton, amp; Spelke, 2005;Dehaene, 1992;Mundy amp; Gilmore, 2009)。然而,最近有人认为,非符号技能的形成依赖于符号技能的发展,而不是相反(De Smedt, Noeuml;l, Gilmore, amp; Ansari, 2013;Piazza, Pica, Izard, Spelke, amp; Dehaene, 2013)。其他人则认为象征性和非象征性技能在任何方向上都不是相互依赖的(Lyons, Ansari, amp; Beilock, 2012;Sasanguie等,2014)。此外,也有人提出反对非符号NS为酉构元的论点(Sasanguie amp; Reynvoet, 2013)。

对于NS的因子结构缺乏共识,与之形成对比的是较小的共识,认为NS与数学技能一样,可以通过WM能力来预测。这种说法已经在典型发育儿童中进行了调查(Friso-van den Bos, Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2014;Kyttauml;lauml;, Aunio, Lepola, amp; Hautamauml;ki, 2014)和有特殊教育需求的儿童(Kleemans, Segers, amp; Verhoeven, 2011;Kroesbergen, Van de Rijt, amp; Van Luit, 2007;Kyttauml;lauml;, Aunio, amp; Hautamauml;ki, 2010;Toll amp; Van Luit, 2013b)。


工作存储器是指由几个部件组成的存储和处理单元。最具影响力的WM模型是多组分模型,它确定了三个主要的存储和处理单元(Baddeley, 2007;Baddeley amp; Hitch, 1974)。音位循环负责暂时存储口头和听觉信息,并依赖于一种假设的记忆痕迹,这种记忆痕迹在没有复述信息的情况下就会消失。语音循环与语言理解和习得有关,例如,它能让孩子理解关于数字的口头指示。第二个组件,视觉空间速写板,也负责临时存储,但在本例中是用于存储视觉和空间信息。该组件存储关于形状和位置的信息,但也负责视觉图像,例如,在执行心理计数操作时。第三个组成部分是中央执行系统,它涉及到一个注意力控制系统,例如,它能够评估信息以做出适当的决策(Baddeley amp; Hitch, 1974),例如,在操作了一些物体之后,进行计数或倒数。


WM被认为是小学年龄数学最重要的领域一般预测因子,两者同时(Bull amp; Scerif, 2001;Van der Ven, Kroesbergen, Boom, amp; Leseman, 2012),纵向(Passolunghi, mamarella, amp; Altoegrave;, 2008;Toll, Van der Ven, Kroesbergen, amp; Van Luit, 2011;Van der Ven等人,2012)。也有证据表明,NS表现的部分变化是由WM功能解释的。在典型成功儿童群体中,NS表现和WM功能之间存在两种关联(Kroesbergen, Van Luit, Van Lieshout, Van Loosbroek, amp; Van de Rijt, 2009;Lee等人,2010;Noeuml;l, 2009),和WM之间的差异

NS延迟儿童和典型发育儿童(Jenks等人,2007年;Kleemans等,2011)。一项关于NS表现和中央执行功能之间关联的元分析报告了显著的关联,但它指出,更多关于领域一般技能和NS之间的关联的研究是必要的,因为少数研究调查这些关系,以及由于效应大小之间无法解释的差异(Friso-van den Bos, 2013)。效应大小之间无法解释的变化可能表明在大小或关系方向方面的矛盾结果。

事实上,NS和WM成分之间的联系似乎是矛盾的,无论是在研究内部还是研究之间。例如,在一些研究(如Jordan, Glutting, amp; Ramineni, 2010)中,已经发现语音循环的测量与NS表现相关,但其他研究(如Costa等人,2011;Kyttauml;lauml; et al., 2010)。语音回路与计数能力相关,但与概念NS无关(Jenks et al., 2007),这一发现表明,部分变化可能是由于WM对某些测量的NS具有不同于其他测量的预测能力。类似地,人们发现视觉空间画板的功能在统计上可以预测特定的NS测量,但不能预测其他测量(Barnes et al., 2011;Costa等人,2011年;Kleemans等,2011)。这种趋势也可以在NS和中央执行绩效之间的关联中发现(Costa等人,2011;Kyttauml;lauml; et al., 2010;Lee等人,2010)。本研究对这些关联进行了调查。


目前的研究有两个目的,都增加了最近对NS的发展及其预测因素的认识。第一个目的是在一个大而有代表性的幼儿园儿童群体中调查NS的因素结构。尽管在两个因素分析研究中对象征性任务和非象征性任务进行了区分(Cirino, 2011;Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2013)和类似的主张已经在大量的理论论文中提出(Defever等人,2011;Holloway amp; Ansari, 2009;Jordan, Glutting,和Ramineni, 2010;Vanbinst等人,2012)。在本研究中,以符号处理和非符号处理的区别为出发点,采用大样本量和先进的分析方法研究了NS的因子结构。数感的测量包括陈述性知识的测量,其范围比Dehaene最初定义(1992)提出的范围更广,但与研究传统相一致(Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni, amp; Watkins, 2010;Malofeeva等人,2004)。

本研究的第二个目的是调查WM成分(Baddeley amp; Hitch, 1974)和NS因子之间的关系。先前的研究已经报道了WM成分与NS表现之间的关联(Costa等人,2011;Jenks等人,2007;Kyttauml;lauml; et al., 2010;Xenidou-Dervou, Van Lieshout, amp; Van der Schoot, 2013),但关于哪种WM组件可以预测性能,几乎没有共识。此外,由于不同性质任务的记忆记忆需求不同(例如,非符号任务可能严重依赖视觉空间技能;Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2014)。然而,由于在获取和测量NS技能时需要使用WM系统来处理诸如口头指令等信息,因此我们期望WM能够显著解释NS所有因素的差异。




5岁7个月(SD = 4.3个月),女童199例(44.8%)。


2.2.1。数觉措施。比较。比较任务有符号版本和非符号版本。在符号版本中,孩子们从1到9之间的两个阿拉伯数字中判断哪个数字最大。给出了数字距离为4的所有可能的数字组合。使用应答框记录回答,并指示参与者按下最高数字同一侧的按钮。每次试验前都有一声报警的哔哔声,在哔哔声后1500毫秒,刺激出现了。最大响应时间为5 s。该测试由4次练习试验和26次测试试验组成,正确回答的次数作为孩子的得分。

非符号版本的比较任务与符号版本基本相同,但在屏幕上出现的是一组圆点,而不是数字。为了防止参与者根据填充表面积和呈现面积的差异做出反应,我们采用了Dehaene、Izard和Piazza(2005)的方法。在一半的试验中,圆点直径保持不变,而在另一半试验中,展示区域的大小保持不变。刺激在840ms后从屏幕上消失,以防止计数策略。相似任务的重测可靠性较好,alpha;s = .85 -。r = 0.40 (Clarke amp; Shinn, 2004;Sasanguie, Defever, Van den Bussche, amp; Reynvoet, 2011)。。数线。数轴任务(Laski amp; Siegler, 2007)有一个符号版本和一个非符号版本,两者都被计算机化了。在符号版本中,1到100之间的数字被显示在水平线下面。在线的两边,给出最小值


1. Introduction

How does a child learn to understand that the same number word can refer to any set of the same quantity, without that set having to consist of the same elements, or the elements even needing to be directly observable? The term usually employed to describe this understanding of number and quantity is number sense (NS), or the ability to mentally represent and manipulate number and quantity (Dehaene, 1992, 2001), resulting in the ability to compare and manipulate numbers (Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni, amp; Watkins, 2010). Despite this rather narrow definition, a large variety of declarative number-related skills is seen as indicative of NS, with little agreement with regard to which components should be incorporated into the definition of number sense (e.g., Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni and Watkins, 2010; Malofeeva, Day, Saco, Young, amp; Ciancio, 2004). A dominant view is that whilst developing NS skills, children gradually learn to count, to use number words to describe quantities, to compare between numbers and quantities, and eventually, to manipulate numbers through calculation. All the while, both their intuitive and declarative knowledge of numbers grows.

NS at an early age has been denoted as the most important predictor of later mathematics performance: more important than general intelligence, and still present when controlling for other measures such as working memory (e.g., Geary, Hoard, Nugent, amp; Bailey, 2013;Mazola, Feigenson, amp; Halberda, 2011). Similarly, problems in early NS may precede long-lasting problems in mathematics performance throughout the academic career of a child (Ansari amp; Karmiloff-Smith, 2002; Butterworth, 2005). In the past decades, research concerning the components of NS, its predictive role for later performance, and the possibilities to remediate delays in NS has been expanded (e.g., Dyson, Jordan, amp; Glutting, 2013; Toll amp; Van Luit, 2013a). The present study builds on current understandings of NS and aims to investigate the factor structure of NS and the predictive role of working memory (WM).1.1. Components of number sense

Although research concerning NS has recently increased, there is limited consensus with regard to its definition. Dehaene (1992, 2001) stressed the intuitive capacity to mentally represent quantities, but other definitions focus on declarative knowledge of numbers, and the ability to compare between and manipulate them, as evidenced by diverse batteries of quantity-related tests (Jordan, Glutting, Ramineni, amp; Watkins, 2010; Malofeeva et al., 2004). Also, a limited number of studies have targeted the factors underlying the construct. A total of three factor-analyses of NS have been conducted over the past few years: one produced a two factor model distinguishing between number- related skills and rapid naming (Lago amp; DiPerna, 2010). A second factor analytical study made a distinction between three factors: symbolic NS, nonsymbolic NS, and the mapping between nonsymbolic and symbolic representations (Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2013). A third study reported no less than five factors of NS, being nonsymbolic

comparison, symbolic comparison, symbolic labelling, rote counting, and counting knowledge (Cirino, 2011). All three studies concerned NS measured in kindergarten, but the only overlap between the produced factors is the distinction between symbolic and nonsymbolic processing found both in the study by Kolkman, Kroesbergen, and Leseman (2013) and Cirino (2011).

Despite the small number of factor analyses and the lack of overlap between the available models, many assertions have been made about components of NS. A distinction between symbolic and nonsymbolic skills has been made in various studies (Defever, Sasanguie, Gebuis, amp; Reynvoet, 2011; Holloway amp; Ansari, 2009; Jordan, Glutting, amp; Ramineni, 2010; Sasanguie, Defever, Maertens, amp; Reynvoet, 2014; Vanbinst, Ghesquiegrave;re, amp; De Smedt, 2012). Nonsymbolic skills are generally thought to underlie symbolic skills, meaning that symbolic quantities are thought to be mapped onto nonsymbolic quantity representations (Barth, La Mont, Lipton, amp; Spelke, 2005; Dehaene, 1992; Mundy amp; Gilmore, 2009). However, it has recently been argued that the formation of nonsymbolic skills is dependent on symbolic skill development, instead of the other way around (De Smedt, Noeuml;l, Gilmore, amp; Ansari, 2013; Piazza, Pica, Izard, Spelke, amp; Dehaene, 2013). Others have argued that symbolic and nonsymbolic skills are not mutually dependent in any direction (Lyons, Ansari, amp; Beilock, 2012; Sasanguie et al., 2014). Moreover, arguments against nonsymbolic NS as a unitary construct have been made (Sasanguie amp; Reynvoet, 2013).

The lack of consensus regarding the factor structure of NS is contrasted by a small consensus that NS, like mathematical skill, can be predicted by WM capacity. This claim has been investigated in typically developing children (Friso-van den Bos, Kolkman, Kroesbergen, amp; Leseman, 2014; Kyttauml;lauml;, Aunio, Lepola, amp; Hautamauml;ki, 2014) and children with special educational needs (Kleemans, Segers, amp; Verhoeven, 2011; Kroesbergen, Van de Rijt, amp; Van Luit, 2007; Kyttauml;lauml;, Aunio, amp; Hautamauml;ki, 2010; Toll amp; Van Luit, 2013b).

1.2. Components of working memory

The term working memory refers to a storage and processing unit consisting of several components. The most influential model of WM is the multi-component model that identifies three main storage and processing units (Baddeley, 2007; Baddeley amp; Hitch, 1974). The phonological loop is responsible for the temporary storage of verbal and auditory information, and dependent on a memory trace that is hypothesised to fade without rehearsal of information. The phonological loop is involved in language comprehension and acquisition, and would, for example, allow a child to understand verbal instruction



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