
 2023-03-21 06:03


原文作者Gail Kinman Siobhan Wray amp;Calista Strange

单位 Department of Psychology , University of Bedfordshire , Luton , UK; Business School , Oxford Brookes University , Oxford , UK


关键词:情绪劳动1;教师幸福感 2;社会支持3


在英国和其他国家进行的研究强调了了教师普遍经历的各种压力。这些包括教师工作特有的危害,例如教学准备、班级规模大、学生积极性差和学生行为不端(Clunies-Ross、Little和Kienhuis,2008 年;Hastings 和 Bham,2003 年;Lewis,1999 年;Maslach 和 Leiter,1999年) 以及更普遍的压力,如时间压力、行政要求、缺乏人力和技术资源以及认为努力与回报之间的不平衡(Burke amp; Greenglass,1995;Byrne,1991; Griva amp; Joekes,2003; Kyriacou,2001; Pithers amp; Soden,1998;特拉弗斯和库珀,1996;Unterbrink 等人,2007 年;van Dick amp; Wagner,2001)。

对各种职业群体的研究发现,许多类型的工作本身所固有的情感需求是相当大的压力来源(Zapf,2002).教学被认为是一种深刻的情感活动(Fried,1995);需要有效管理个人情绪,并能够在他人身上产生理想的情绪状态。老师被期望保护他们学生的情感健康以及他们的身体安全(Brennan, 2006; Hargreaves, 2000).他们还被要求任何时候都以成功的情绪控制为榜样,以热情和同情对待学生,抑制任何不耐烦或愤怒的情绪(Beatty,2000)。最近有一种认为,越来越多的教师被期望以类似于服务行业员工的方式管理自己的情绪(Hebson,Earnshaw,amp; Marchington,2007).因此,教学角色可能涉及相当程度的“情绪劳动”,定义为“在人际交往中表达组织期望的情绪所需的努力、计划和控制”(Morris amp; Feldman,1996,第987页)。情绪劳动的概念是由Hochschild(1983)的研究,但随后的研究发现,情绪劳动在许多人类服务职业群体中很常见,也是压力的一个重要预测因素(Brotheridge amp; Grandey,2002;Zapf、Vogt、Seifert、Mertini和Isic,1999).然而,到目前为止,人们对教师角色中的情绪劳动如何影响教师的职业幸福感还知之甚少。大部分已知的都是从评论、评论和人种学研究中收集来的(Brennan,2006;Chang,2009;Sutton,2005;Winograd,2003),或者来自在后义务教育部门工作的小样本教师群体(Ogbonnaamp;Harris,2004;zhangamp;zhu,2008).一个显著的例外是Philipp和Schupbach(2010)研究的德国老师样本。有证据表明,情绪劳动与情绪衰竭程度呈正相关。为了扩展对教师压力的认识,并为制定有效的干预措施提供信息,以提高教师的职业幸福感,本研究考察了情绪劳动与倦怠和工作满意度之间的关系。


情绪劳动通常定义为为真实感受到的情绪和工作需要表达或抑制的情绪之间的不协调程度(Zapf等人,1999).有证据表明,情绪劳动会损害员工的幸福感,因为经常需要通过心理努力来“调节”情绪,以符合组织或职业期望(Grandey,2000).在目前研究已经发现情绪劳动和情绪衰竭之间存在特别强的关系(例如Goldberg amp; Grandey,2007;Kruml amp; Geddes,2000; Mikolajczak, Menil, amp; Luminet,2007).情绪衰竭是对情绪调节的持续需求的可信反应,但与倦怠的其他两个维度(人格解体和个人成就感降低)的关系在教师职业中也是正确的。持续的情绪劳动可能会导致教师对学生态度改变,导致对学生给予更少的同情和采用更冷淡的态度。对文献的回顾表明,情绪劳动和个人成就感之间的联系目前还不太明确。可以说,试图长期管理一份对情绪情感要求高的工作可能会侵蚀个人成就感,并增强对自我和工作的负面情绪(Grandey,2000),但对其他“关心”职业的研究表明,这种感觉实际上可能会增强(Brotheridge amp; Grandey,2002).由于教师是职业倦怠的高危人群(Brouwers amp; Tomic,2000;Schaufeli amp; Enzman,1998),深入了解情绪劳动在职业倦怠过程中所起的作用,可以增强对教师幸福感的理解。



Emotional labour, burnout and job satisfaction in UK teachers: the role of workplace social support

Gail Kinman Siobhan Wray amp;Calista Strange

Abstract:Although teaching has been described as a profoundly emotional activity, little is known about the emotional demands faced by teachers or how this impacts on their well-being. This study examined relationships between lsquo;emotional labourrsquo;, burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and personal accomplishment) and job satisfaction in a sample of UK teachers. Also examined was whether workplace social support moderated any relationships found between emotional labour and strain. The relationship between job experience and emotional labour was also investigated. Six hundred and twenty-eight teachers working in secondary schools in the UK completed questionnaires. Significant associations were observed between emotional labour and all outcomes, with a positive relationship found between emotional labour and personal accomplishment. Some evidence was found that social support mitigates the negative impact of emotional demands on emotional exhaustion, feelings of personal accomplishment and job satisfaction. More experienced teachers reported higher levels of emotional labour. Findings highlight the need for teacher-training programmes to raise awareness of the emotional demands of teaching and consider ways to enhance emotion regulation skills in experienced as well as recently qualified staff.


A body of research indicates that teachers are more vulnerable to work-related stress, psychological distress and burnout than many other occupational groups (e.g. Johnson et al., 2005; Jones, Huxtable, Hodgson, amp; Price, 2003; Kyriacou, 2000). In order to develop more precisely targeted interventions to enhance well-being in the profession, insight is needed into the aspects of the teaching role that threaten psychological health and job satisfaction.

Studies conducted in the UK and other countries have highlighted a wide range of stressors that are commonly experienced by teachers. These encompass job-specific hazards, such as teaching preparation, large class sizes, poor pupil motivation and pupil misbehaviour (e.g. Clunies-Ross, Little, amp; Kienhuis, 2008; Hastings amp; Bham, 2003; Lewis, 1999; Maslach amp; Leiter, 1999) as well as more general stressors such as time pressures, administrative demands, lack of human and technical resources and a perceived imbalance between efforts and rewards (e.g. Burke amp; Greenglass, 1995; Byrne, 1991; Griva amp; Joekes, 2003; Kyriacou, 2001; Pithers amp; Soden, 1998; Travers amp; Cooper, 1996 ; Unterbrink et al., 2007; van Dick amp; Wagner, 2001).

Studies of various occupational groups have found the emotional demands intrinsic to many types of job to be a considerable source of strain (Zapf, 2002). Teaching has been described as a profoundly emotional activity (Fried, 1995); requiring the effective management of personal emotions and the ability to engender the desired emotional state in others. Teachers are expected to safeguard the emotional well-being of their pupils as well as their physical safety (Brennan, 2006; Hargreaves, 资料编号:[593230],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word

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