
 2023-01-01 08:01

The Ascent of Chinese Charity



中国的慈善组织在抗震救灾,扶贫,教育,残疾援助等方面发挥着越来越大的作用。但慈善事业今天在中国社会中的地位如何? 那么非政府组织如何处理政府呢?




三方面的例子表明他们的进步。首先是非政府组织募集的捐款数量 - 2007年这一数字为309亿人民币,2008年飙升至1070亿人民币,2009年下降后,2010年再次超过1000亿人民币大关 - 注册人数的增长基金会,私营非企业组织和社会组织从2007年底的38,690个增加到2012年的489,000个。其次是从事公益活动的有影响力的私人基金会的出现,以及筹资能力的扩大。这些基金会已经成为建立现代慈善体系的试点。第三是公共服务的公众参与日益增加,私人小额捐款急剧增加,以及现在以志愿者身份工作的数千万人表现出色。


这种福利很容易传播,并使所有社会部门都能获得公共福利。但要取得成功,它必须既要有条理,又要有适当的指导。以壹基金为例。它运行一个系统,个人通过支付各种支付平台(如银联,财付通,支付宝,Paypal和Quick Money)每月捐赠一元。该基金会被广泛接受,并声称是雅安地震后最大的小额捐款收藏家。然而,一个有效的慈善机构不仅仅要求善意。最近发生地震后,某些志愿者和小型公共服务组织缺乏专业知识和对救灾至关重要的技术支持。也是与当地政府沟通并与大型非政府组织合作的能力。这样的小服装对资源有限,所以增加当地居民的负担无济于事。将微观公益融入国家现代慈善网络,消除了这些基本问题。











外文文献出处:《China Today》2013年07期


The Ascent of Chinese Charity


CHINESE charities are playing ever-greater roles in earthquake relief, poverty alleviation,education,disability aid and other causes.But where does philanthropy stand in Chinese society today? And how do non-governmental organizations deal with the government?

Charity on a Daily Basis
  The emergency response to the Ya an earthquake last April highlighted the strides that NGO rescue and aid capabilities have made since the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Among them is Kung Fu star Jet Lirsquo;s One Foundation, which has established a nationwide disaster relief network.
  NGOs first appeared as a new force for disaster relief after the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. In the five years since,NGOs,with support and encouragement from the government, have become stronger and more influential.
  Three aspects exemplify their progress. The first is the amount of donations that NGOs raise – the figure was RMB 30.9 billion in 2007,soared to RMB 107 billion in 2008 and, after a dip in 2009, again surpassed the RMB 100 billion mark in 2010 – and the growth of registered foundations, private nonenterprise organizations and social organizations from 38,690 at the end of 2007 to 489,000 in 2012. Second is the emergence of influential private foundations engaged in public welfare programs, and the expansion of their fundraising capacities. These foundations have acted as pilots for the establishment of a modern charity system. Third is the growing public participation in public services,apparent in the dramatic increase in private small-sum donations,and the tens of millions of people who now work as volunteers.
  The steady influence and change that micro public welfare has wielded in China has been integral to developing this cause. Easy Internet access and the thriving use of automated multi-media terminals constitute an economical,speedy tool for both exchanging information and making donations. The resurgence of volunteerism and growing awareness of social responsibilities have also brought more Chinese people to the understanding that everyone can do his or her bit for the public good.
  This type of welfare is easy to disseminate and makes public welfare accessible to all social sectors. But to be successful it must be both well organized and appropriately guided. Take the One Foundation as an example. It operates a system whereby individuals donate one yuan each month through the support of various payment platforms, such as Unionpay, Tenpay, Alipay, Paypal, and Quick Money. The foundation is widely accepted among the public and claims to have been the biggest collector of small-sum donations in the aftermath of the Yarsquo;an earthquake. An effective charity, however, demands more than just good will. Certain individual volunteers and small public service organizations that operated after recent earthquakes lacked the professional knowhow and technical support vital to disaster relief. Also the capacity to communicate with local governments and cooperate with larger NGOs. Such small outfits impose on limited resources, so adding to the burden of local residents to no avail. Integrating micro public welfare into the countryrsquo;s modern charity network eliminates these fundamental problems.


The Ascent of Chinese Charity


CHINESE charities are playing ever-greater roles in earthquake relief, poverty alleviation,education,disability aid and other causes.But where does philanthropy stand in Chinese society today? And how do non-governmental organizations deal with the government?

Charity on a Daily Basis
  The emergency response to the Ya an earthquake last April highlighted the strides that NGO rescue and aid capabilities have made since the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Among them is Kung Fu star Jet Lirsquo;s One Foundation, which has established a nationwide disaster relief network.
  NGOs first appeared as a new force for disaster relief after the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. In the five years since,NGOs,with support and encouragement from the government, have become stronger and more influential.
  Three aspects exemplify their progress. The first is the amount of donations that NGOs raise – the figure was RMB 30.9 billion in 2007,soared to RMB 107 billion in 2008 and, after a dip in 2009, again surpassed the RMB 100 billion mark in 2010 – and the growth of registered foundations, private nonenterprise organizations and social organizations from 38,690 at the end of 2007 to 489,000 in 2012. Second is the emergence of influential private foundations engaged in public welfare programs, and the expansion of their fundraising capacities. These foundations have acted as pilots for the establishment of a modern charity system. Third is the growing public participation in public services,apparent in the dramatic increase in private small-sum donations,and the tens of millions of people who now work as volunteers.
  The steady influence and change that micro public welfare has wielded in China has been integral to developing this cause. Easy Internet access and the thriving use of automated multi-media terminals constitute an economical,speedy tool for both exchanging information and making donations. The resurgence of volunteerism and growing awareness of social responsibilities have also brought more Chinese people to the understanding that everyone can do his or her bit for the public good.
  This type of welfare is easy to disseminate and makes public welfare accessible to all social sectors. But to be successful it must be both well organized and appropriately guided. Take the One Foundation as an example. It operates a system whereby individuals donate one yuan each month through the support of various payment platforms, such as Unionpay, Tenpay, Alipay, Paypal, and Quick Money. The foundation is widely accepted among the public and claims to have been the biggest collector of small-sum donations in the aftermath of the Yarsquo;an earthquake. An effective charity, however, demands more than just good will. Certain individual volunteers and small public service organizations that operated after recent earthquakes lacked the professional knowhow and technical support vital to disaster relief. Also the capacity to communicate with local governments and cooperate with larger NGOs. Such small outfits impose on limited resources, so adding to the burden of local residents to no avail. Integrating micro public welfare into the countryrsquo;s modern charity network eliminates these fundamental problems.
   NGOs and Government Work Together
  The Guo Meimei scandal,when a young woman claiming to be general manager of a company affiliated to the Red Cross Society of China boasted on her blog about her luxury lifestyle, plunged the countryrsquo;s largest charitable group into a crisis of trust. Although later investigations showed that the story about her job and fabulous possessions was pure fantasy, years later the organization is still struggling to clear its name.
  But crises such as this that public welfare organizations with government backing face should be considered objectively. The public service environment has since changed dramatically, undoubtedly as a result of public calls for reforms amid the rapid development of public welfare.
  Government backing endows many advantages on such public service organizations. They include a far-reaching network of professionals in all fields and the accumulated benefits of a long-established professional system. On the other hand, these organizations are large in scale and long established, and have consequently developed certain path dependence. This makes them unwieldy and slow to respond to dramatic changes while at the same time occupying a disproportionate share of resources. Sweeping reforms, therefore, are imperative to cut red tape and revitalize the system. The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation is one example of success in this respect. It has carried out reforms to privatize and marketize its human resources and streamline management, so making it a modern system designed for charitable causes.
  In addition to the threat of trust crises, NGOs also face demands for information transparency and public supervision. To perform their duties properly, both NGOs and charitable organizations with government backing are expected to be professionally equipped and organized. They must be committed to capacity building while maintaining a sound administrative structure and standardized, transparent operations.

That NGOs have achieved greater public trust than their government-affiliated peers signifies the fast development of Chinarsquo;s charities, the end of the transitional period, and structural changes that have made way for a new charitable environment. This, however, is not to say that NGOs necessarily surpass government-supported organizations as regards administration,information dissemination and other factors.
  The public has pressed for restoration of the nongovernmental aspect of charitable organizations,in expectations of a more autonomous,free-spirited voluntary institut



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