Kilpatrick, William H(Talks delivered by),Association Press (Calcutta)
外文文献出处:Kilpatrick, William H(Talks delivered by).How we learn : the psychological basis of the project method.[M].Calcutta: Association Press.1928:71-76.
First, we discussed some facts about the learning process, then relation between life and learning. There remains for us to consider more definitely how learning takes place through purposes. In dealing with mind-set, we have already touched on this problem. Let us now take it up more in detail, with special reference to the school.
If children follow their own purposes in school, what will they actually learn? First I shall give you the case of a class of girls around fifteen years of age who were taught European History through their own purposes. The teacherrsquo;s name is Hatch and he has written a book on this subject, called Teaching Citizenship by Practising Citizenship (Scribners, New York). He first made a list of topics connected with modern European history. One of these topics was the Irish question. This was at the time when England and Ireland. As soon as the girls read the topics, one said, “We want the Irish question. Let us begin with that.” Mr. Hatch, on second thought, realized that he had girls of Irish extraction and girls of British extraction in the class. He began to fear that if they attempted the Irish question there must be some angry quarrels. He said that he did not know whether such a question should be considered, but the more he spoke against it, the more they wanted it. Finally, he consented. The part of the Irish question that they were going to decide was England should do with Ireland. Mr. Hatch asked, “What is the first thing for you to do in order to consider this question?” They realized that they did not know what had been proposed and they did not know why the problem was up at all. After they had talke
Kilpatrick, William H(Talks delivered by),Association Press (Calcutta)
First, we discussed some facts about the learning process, then relation between life and learning. There remains for us to consider more definitely how learning takes place through purposes. In dealing with mind-set, we have already touched on this problem. Let us now take it up more in detail, with special reference to the school.
If children follow their own purposes in school, what will they actually learn? First I shall give you the case of a class of girls around fifteen years of age who were taught European History through their own purposes. The teacherrsquo;s name is Hatch and he has written a book on this subject, called Teaching Citizenship by Practising Citizenship (Scribners, New York). He first made a list of topics connected with modern European history. One of these topics was the Irish question. This was at the time when England and Ireland. As soon as the girls read the topics, one said, “We want the Irish question. Let us begin with that.” Mr. Hatch, on second thought, realized that he had girls of Irish extraction and girls of British extraction in the class. He began to fear that if they attempted the Irish question there must be some angry quarrels. He said that he did not know whether such a question should be considered, but the more he spoke against it, the more they wanted it. Finally, he consented. The part of the Irish question that they were going to decide was England should do with Ireland. Mr. Hatch asked, “What is the first thing for you to do in order to consider this question?” They realized that they did not know what had been proposed and they did not know why the problem was up at all. After they had talked it over, they decided that they must study the history of the Irish question. Then the question arose, “How shall we find out accurately about the history of the Irish question? What shall we read?” One child suggested the text-book, but others said its treatment was too condensed. Another child mentioned the Encyclopadia Britannica, but a girl objected that it might be prejudiced. They went eagerly to their home libraries and school libraries to read. They got good practice in using bibliographies, indices and tables of contents. They were reading from a point of view by which they were able, when they got hold of a book, to choose what part of the book dealt with the question in hand. Thus, in addition to learning history, they learned how to read. As a matter of fact, most people do not know how to read with reference to a particular topic. They read every word and every page, even what is irrelevant.
After they had found out what to read, these girls made their reports, consolidated and revised them, until they agreed as to the facts of the history of the Irish question. Not only did they learn much more of the history of England and Ireland than any text-book could tell them, but they were learning it better, because they were thinking their problem through with reference to a definite point.
One day during the course, the girls got angry with each other and quarreled. Mr. Hatch read an account of what happened in the American Constitutional Convention when the big and small States were bitterly quarrelling. On that occasion Benjamin Franklin got up and said, ”Gentlemen, what we need is more light and less heat,” As soon as Mr. Hatch had read these words, he sat down. One girl said,” That is what we need in this class,” “ More light and less heat” became the class motto. They never quarreled again, This one time had taught them how to discuss even the most controversial question without getting angry, which is more than most adults can do.
It took them two months to finish their investigation. Afterwards, the girls divided into three groups, with opposing ideas as to what should be next considered. After some discussion, they asked Mr. Hatch what I think, But they did not know because he had kept himself so much in the background. He had guided their purposes, but he had not interfered with them.
At the end of the year they were tested by the teacher of the parallel class which depended on text-books. The girls taught by the new method answered at least as well as the other girls, but, even more important, they had actually been deciding, thinking, doing.
Did those girls get any lasting interest in the subject? Two years later one said, “Do you remember that, when we studied the Irish question, I thought so and so. I have been reading since then and I have changed my mind.” With the old kind of teaching would they have continued to read on the subject?
Another instance of learning through purposes happened at Moga, when I was there weeks ago, Each boy in the school has a plot of ground, which he himself prepares, plants and waters. Some of the boys, in about the fourth standard, undertook to market the produce for all the rest, in order to make a good job of it. They had a strong purpose in establishing this market, for needed it. They found out how to sell things, how to make account books and keep accounts. All the people who live at the school agreed to buy from the boysrsquo; market. The boys decided that they needed a market house and they built one. It was small, only six feet each way, but it had a good door. On it the price of the vegetables for the week posted so that everybody could see. One day a boy brought in a certain number of radishes. At the end of the day the boys realized that something was wrong, since several of the radishes had disappeared. Upon closer enquiry, they found out that one of the two market boys who had been in charge had eaten some radishes. Then the class had to hold a meeting to decide what to do with the boy. They decided that this boy should pay what the radishes cost and something extra, besides, to make sure that the bo