Abstract:The aim of this study is to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of prospective science and primary school teachers in scientific literacy and to bring out whether it changes depending on some varieties such as department, gender and grade level. The study is applied on 346 students who are educated in a state universityrsquo;s elementary education department. The study group is consisted of the prospective students attending in the first and fourth grades of the science teaching and primary school teaching departments. In this study, “Self-Efficacy Scale in Scientific Literacy” developed by the researchers is used. The reliability coefficient is found as Cronbach alpha;= 0.95. This scale consists of 33 items and is made up of in fivefold form of likert. The findings of this study can be summarized as in the below: Prospective science and primary school teachersrsquo; average point of self- efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy is 113,36; namely, it is in the quite enough level. Prospective science and primary school teachersrsquo; self-efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy are found meaningfully different according to their department, gender and grade levels.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, Self-efficacy, Self-efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy, prospective science teacher, prospective primary school teacher
尽管“科学技术素养”这个术语在20世纪50年代首次出现,但对这个术语的兴趣和关注很久以后才出现。(Laugksch 2000:72)。 在学校里,特别是近二十年来,在关于科学教育课程目标的讨论上,一直是一个重要问题(Millar 2006:1499)。目前美国对科技素养的强烈兴趣始于1983年由“全国教育卓越委员会”发布的“风险国家”报告。这份报告指出,美国的儿童没有得到足够的教育,尤其是在科学,数学和技术方面。这个问题产生了诸如科学课程在课堂上如何处理以及应该如何处理,科学教育教师如何接受教育或培训等问题(Parsons,Matson&Quintanar,2002)。 科学和技术素养有助于我们对我们生活的世界感兴趣和了解,质疑和怀疑其他人提出的关于科学问题的主张,基于证据和研究的行为,为环境(Hazen 2002; Hackling,Goodrum&Rennie 2001:7)
支持科技素养的重要原因之一是科技素养与国家经济福利水平的关联。因为,科学技术素养将更加巧妙地提供个人对生产部门的参与(Laugksch 2000:84)。具有科学技术素养的人是具有科学,数学和技术知识的人,他们的优点和局限性;了解科学的原理和关键术语;熟悉自然界,了解自然界的多样性和统一性;在他/她的个人和社会决策中使用科学方法(AAAS 1989)。科学和技术素养知道并理解个人决策,文化活动和经济生产力所需的科学术语和过程。科技素养就是要找出由于日常经验和好奇而出现的问题的答案;并能够做出决定。因此,一个人有能力定义,解释和预测自然事件。
科学技术素养意味着一个人能够定义科学问题,能够评估科学知识的来源和获得科学知识的方法,评估和使用基于证据的观点(国家科学院,1995年)。科学和技术素养是能够根据证据行事的结果,以便理解自然世界并做出决定,运用科学知识来界定问题(OECD / PISA 2003:133)。上述定义为我们提供了科技素养个体应具备的特征以及科技素养意义的线索。具有科学和技术素养的个人的特征是:理解科学知识;理解和认识科学术语和科学操作技能;受益于科学技术的发现,在日常生活中做出重要决定并处理遇到的困难;找到有关日常经验问题的答案并做出决定;了解科学技术对日常生活的影响和欣赏;有能力定义,解释和预测自然事件;理解不同领域知识综合解决个人和社会问题的需要;了解共同合作解决社会科学问题的必要性;评估科学知识的来源和获得它的方法;考虑到个人和普遍问题中的科学和技术的政治,经济和伦理方面;了解与科学有关的日常问题(尤其是那些有道德,法律和政治方面的问题)可能有不止一个正确答案;意识到全球经济会受到科学技术发展的影响;意识到科学技术的优点和局限;分析科学技术与社会的相互作用;意识到科学技术发展的好处和责任;知道人生的几乎每个方面都受到科学技术的影响;知道科学知识只要找到新证据就可能改变;区分可靠和不可靠的知识,个人意见和科学/技术证据;可以从经验不足的理论,来自教条的理论,来自传奇的数据中区分出专家;确定科技信息来源所在地,收集这些信息,分析,评估和利用这些来源解决问题,做出决定和采取行动;由于科学教育而具有更丰富,更令人满意和更有趣的世界观,并且不将此教育局限于学校教育,终身教育。
简而言之,具有科学技术素养的人理解科学和科学知识的性质,基本科学术语,原则,法律和理论并正确使用它们;在解决问题和做出决定时使用科学的流程技能;了解科学,技术,社会和环境之间的相互作用;培养科学和技术精神运动技能;表明他/她有科学的态度和价值观。具有科技素养的人是那些更有效地获得和使用知识,解决问题,通过考虑科技问题的潜在风险,好处和替代方案来做出决定,产生新知识。在通过信息时代的今天,我们教育系统的主要目标应该是;使我们的学生具备接触知识的技能,而不是将知识传授给他们。这需要通过理解而不是记忆来学习,能够解决遇到的新情况的问题,并具有与科学方法过程相关的技能。这些技能开发的主要课程是科学知识(科学和技术)。科学知识(科学与技术)课程是一门领先的课程,通过科学方法和思维,让孩子了解和研究环境,自然事件和科学发展,在小学教育过程中发展解决问题的能力(Kaptan 1998:20)。从这个角度来看,科学技术课程对于获得个人科技素养是很重要的。教师是影响学生发展知识,技能,态度,理解和价值观教育科技素养的重要因素之一。因此,要求教师成为一名优秀的知识分子,具有广泛的阅读习惯和其他技能(Kaptan&Yetişir2007)。具有科技素养的教师可以引导学生发展自己,他们知道何时以及如何提问,如何批判性思考,如何根据事实和原因而不是感觉和迷信的信念做出决定。教师可以帮助学生在解释知识和解决问题的同时,考虑潜在的风险,收益和有关科学和技术问题的替代方案来做出决定。
这项研究的研究小组由346名准教师组成,其中172人在Hacettepe大学教育学院,科学教育部受教育,其中174人受过小学教育司的教育。 来自科学教育处的80名新生和92名高年级学生(共172名未来教师)和99名新生和75名初级教育处高年级学生(总共174名未来教师)参加了这项研究。 72.5%的研究组由女性准教师和27.5%的男性准教师组成。 20.8%的参加者是普通高中的毕业生,26.3%的高中/安纳托利亚教师高中,52.6%的高中/科学高中/安纳托利亚高中/私立高中和0.3%的职业高中。
为了确定未来科学和小学教师科学素养的自我效能信念,研究人员开发了“科学素养的自我效能量表”。这个规模由33个项目组成,由“高度肯定可以做,可以做,中等可以做,不可以做,不可以做”的五种形式的组成。规模由50个项目组成的初始形式适用于326名准教师。换句话说,KMO高于60(96gt; 60)且Barlett检验显着,表明通过初始应用获得的数据适合进行因子分析;主成分分析。据观察,根据主成分分析,33个项目的特征值在大于1的单一因子下收集。已经发现,所有33个项目的第一因子负荷已经达到586及以上。这一发现证明了这一比例具有一般性因素。另外,第一个因素为47,014%造成的变化是存在一个一般因素的另一个证据。尽管在准备规模时考虑了三个因素,但是它自身解释的项目的第一个因子负荷高且方差很高,说明规模有一个总体因素。因此,规模已被决定使用一个因素。这些项目的总体相关范围从7464到5623.最终申请已经完成,共有346名潜在教师,172位来自科学教育处的未来教师和174位来自小学教育司的未来教师。作为最终应用的结果,已经计算了可靠性系数(Cronbachsalpha;),并且发现了Cronbachsalpha;= 0.95。可从该等级中得到的最低分数是33(33times;1 = 33),而最高分数是165(33times;5 = 165)。
为了确定未来科学和小学教师的自我效能信念在科学素养中的总分是否依赖于他们的部门而改变,应用独立组测试。 分析结果在表1中给出。
分 组 |
N |
Chi; |
S |
Sd |
t |
P |
科 学 |
172 |
11974 |
1827 |
教 育 |
174 |
10732 |
1671 |
小 学 教 育 |
344 |
6453 |
0,00 |
总 计 |
346 |
113,36 |
18,51 |
Prospective Science and Primary School Teachersrsquo; Self-efficacy Beliefs in Scientific Literacy
Melek Demirel, Belkız Caymaz
The aim of this study is to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of prospective science and primary school teachers in scientific literacy and to bring out whether it changes depending on some varieties such as department, gender and grade level. The study is applied on 346 students who are educated in a state universityrsquo;s elementary education department. The study group is consisted of the prospective students attending in the first and fourth grades of the science teaching and primary school teaching departments. In this study, “Self-Efficacy Scale in Scientific Literacy” developed by the researchers is used. The reliability coefficient is found as Cronbach alpha;= 0.95. This scale consists of 33 items and is made up of in fivefold form of likert. The findings of this study can be summarized as in the below: Prospective science and primary school teachersrsquo; average point of self- efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy is 113,36; namely, it is in the quite enough level. Prospective science and primary school teachersrsquo; self-efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy are found meaningfully different according to their department, gender and grade levels.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, Self-efficacy, Self-efficacy beliefs in scientific literacy, prospective science teacher, prospective primary school teacher
- Introduction
Although the term “Science and technology literacy” was first came out in 1950s, the interest and concerns towards this term appeared long after. (Laugksch 2000:72). In the schools, especially in last twenty years, it has been an important issue in discussions concerning aims of science education curriculums (Millar 2006: 1499).For example; the current intensive interest towards science and technology literacy in America started by the report called “A Nation at Risk” published by “National Commission on Excellence in Education” in 1983. This report brought out that children in America donrsquo;t get sufficient education especially in science, mathematics and technology. This issue arose the questions such as how science courses are processed in the classrooms and how it should be, how teachers of science education are educated or trained (Parsons, Matson amp; Quintanar, 2002). Science and technology literacy helps us to be interested in and understand the world that we live in, to question and to be skeptic towards the claims presented by others about scientific issues, to behave based on evidence and to research, to take informative decisions about the environment (Hazen 2002; Hackling, Goodrum amp; Rennie 2001: 7). One of the important reasons of supporting science and technology literacy is the connection between science and technology literacy and the countryrsquo;s economical welfare level. Because, science and technology literacy will provide more cleverly participation of individualsrsquo; to the production sector (Laugksch 2000: 84). The individual with science and technology literacy is the person who is aware of science, math and technology with their advantages and limitations; understands principles and key terms of science; is familiar with natural world and is aware of its diversity and unity; uses scientific methods in his/her personal and social decisions (AAAS 1989). Science and technology literacy knows and understanding scientific terms and processes needed for personal decisions, cultural events and economical productivity. Science and technology literacy is to find the answers of the questions came out as result of onersquo;s daily experiences and curiosity; and to be able to take a decision. Accordingly, an individual has the ability to define, explain and predict the natural events. Science and technology literacy means onersquo;s capacity to be able to define scientific issues, to be able to evaluate the source of scientific knowledge and the methods used to obtain it, to evaluate and use the opinions based on evidence (National Academy of Sciences 1995). Science and technology literacy is the ability to behave with the results based on evidence in order to understand natural world and make decisions, to use scientific knowledge, to define the questions (OECD/ PISA 2003: 133). The definitions above give us clues about the features that should be present in the individuals with science and technology literacy as well as the meaning of science and technology literacy. The features that an individual with science and technology literacy has are those (Hurd 1998: 413- 414; Bou Jaoude 2002: 141- 142; Laugksch 2000: 76-78; NSTA 1990; NCREL 2004; AAAS 1989): understands the structure of scientific knowledge; understands and knows scientific terms and scientific operation skills; benefits from findings of science and technology in taking important decisions in daily life and dealing with difficulties encountered; finds the answer of the questions concerning daily experiences and makes decisions; understands the impact of science and technology on daily life and appreciates; has the ability to define, explain and predict natural events; understands the need of synthesis of knowledge from different fields in solving the personal and social problems; understands the necessity of working together in solving the scientific problems concerning the society; evaluates the source of scientific knowledge and the methods used to obtain it; takes into consideration political, economical and ethic aspects of science and technology in personal and universal issues; understands that daily problems (especially the ones that have ethic, legal and politic aspect) related to science may have more than one correct answer; is aware of the fact that global economy can be affected by developments in science and technology; is aware of the a