Measuring the cognitive resources consumed per second for real-time lie-production and recollection: a dual-tasking paradigm
Chao Hu,Kun Huang,Xiaoqing Hu,Yanshuo Liu,Fang Yuan,Qiandong Wang and Genyue Fu.
本研究报告提出了一种新的双任务谎言检测方法。新的软件“Follow me”是为了在真相/说谎中的一个手眼协调任务发明的。本科生的参与者被指示在关于本科学校的问题上说真相,而他们被告知在关于研究生的面试问题上说谎,假装他们是研究生。在整个实验中,他们操作“Follow me”软件:移动鼠标指针以跟随计算机屏幕上随机移动的点。通过软件,每50ms测量鼠标指针尖端和点中心之间的距离。距离波动的频率被分析为每秒消耗的认知努力的指数(即,“认知努力程度”)。结果表明,编码期间距离波动的主要频率显着低于检索响应期间;并在说谎期间低于真相期间。因此,距离波动的主频率可以是认知努力的有效指数。
说谎是每个人的日常生活(Bond and DePaulo, 2006)并可能对社会造成重大损害。因此,测谎是必要和关键的,在多种环境,如就业筛选,保险索赔和警察审讯。然而,通过观察行为线索来探测谎言通常是困难的(Bond and DePaulo,2006; Bond and Depaulo,2008)。最近的研究表明,如果采用诊断上有用的问话的欺骗检测可以提高,特别是如果询问者是熟悉欺骗背景的专家。然而,诊断询问在许多情况下是不可能的,例如,当诊断性询问是攻击性时。因此,一个有效的和准确的措施,在这些情况下可以直接帮助识别说谎者或伪造描述是可取的。然而,没有谎言特定的生理活动可以明确链接到谎言(Lykken,1998)。因此,一些研究者关注的是说谎所固有的心理活动。
基于谎言在认知上的要求和人们在多任务处于劣势的理论(Pashler, 1994; Logan and Gordon, 2001), 研究人员提出,谎言检测可以受益于认知负荷的操纵。例如,观察者更成功地识别骗子当他们按时间倒序说谎,这比起按时间顺序告诉同样的谎言而占据更多的认知资源(Vrij et al., 2008)。相比说真话,谎言往往涉及更多的认知操作和更高的认知工作量(Johnson et al., 2003, 2008; Walczyk et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2011, 2013; Debey et al., 2012), 虽然有重复谎言的一些例外(Hu et al., 2012; Van Bockstaele et al., 2012)。
尽管这些有希望的结果,对大学生日记的研究表明,说谎在日常生活中通常是休闲的(“零后果”),难以辨别,并唤起很少的认知努力(DePaulo et al., 1996)。事实上,一些研究人员认为,谎言在日常生活中很普遍,因为在许多情况下,说谎比说真话付出更少的认知努力(McCornack et al., 2014)。
这种争议可能是由于“认知努力”的定义的潜在差异。因此,我们将“认知努力”定义为每单位时间消耗的认知资源,而不是在说真话/说谎的整个时间消耗的总认知资源。的确,说谎可以不如说真话那么努力,因此人们常常说谎为了节省在整个讲话时间消耗的总的认知资源(see McCornack et al., 2014)。然而,当其他相关条件相等时,说谎应比单位时间的认知努力消耗更多的认知努力 - 例如语言的量,语法的复杂性,以及从记忆中检索相关信息的困难 - 因为与真话相比,说谎涉及额外的认知过程,即对检索到的信息的操纵。此外,谎言的调度通常涉及意识到表达和个人的信念之间的冲突,这在说真话中一定不存在。当然,一个真话的部署(例如,承认婚外情)也可能涉及其他认知过程(例如,对负面结果的评估和相关的情感反应),使讲真话比说谎更努力。然而,我们可以假设,如果没有涉及其他心理过程(即,缺乏后果或情绪反应),说谎应该比说真话更加努力。
基于前者的注意力和工作记忆比真实告诉更多,并发任务可能会干扰更多的前者,双重任务应用于谎言检测; 例如,在面试任务期间执行并发数学任务(Patterson,2009)。然而,结果是弱;这被认为是相关的理论基础缺乏并发任务的选择(walczyk et al.,2013)。因此,我们基于我们对认知努力的定义设计了一个并发任务:每单位时间消耗的认知资源。
开发了新的软件“Follow me”来测量在眼手协调跟踪任务中每秒消耗的认知资源。我们预期在并发任务(说谎/说真话)中消耗的认知资源越多,在“Follow me”任务上花费的认知资源就越少。其操作面板如图1所示。操作员的任务是操作鼠标指针来跟踪圆形红点,它在任务开始时在操作面板的中心,在任务开始后以稳定的速度随机地在所有可能的方向移动。在整个任务中,“Follow me”以固定频率(1-1000Hz)记录鼠标指针尖和点中心之间的距离。
眼手协调是一种普遍的人类能力,已被广泛研究(例如,Johansson等人,2001),甚至可以在新生儿中找到(von Hofsten,1982)。“Follow me”任务不同于大多数现有的眼手协调任务,因为目标的移动轨迹是不可预测的。跟踪点的明显目的是使鼠标指针尖和红点中心之间的距离尽可能小; 因此,平均距离可以用作操作者的整体性能的指标。然而,距离波动频率是在每秒跟踪点所花费的认知努力的真实指数。距离波动频率是每秒的距离波动周期数。例如,如果距离首先从5增加到10个像素,然后减小到0个像素,然后再次增加到每秒内的5个像素,则在任何时候距离波动的频率将是1Hz。在现实中,这是不可能的。 频率随时间变化,变化频率一起形成频谱。 应用傅里叶变换分析主频,在真话/谎言的持续时间内最普遍的频率(参见Welch,1967)。
跟踪随机移动点包括手移动方向的连续调整; 调整频率决定了距离波动频率。因此,距离波动频率反映了每秒在“Follow me”任务上花费的认知资源,这是隐蔽和敏感的。这种测量与我们对认知努力的定义一致:即每单位时间消耗的认知资源。
一百二十九名大学生自愿参加我们的实验。八名参与者没有按照实验者的正确指示。因此,最终数据来自121名参与者(56名男学生,18-25岁,平均年龄= 20.5岁,SD = 1.22岁)。他们都是中国本土人,并在经济上奖励10元参加。
在“Follow me”软件中,红点的半径设置为10像素。红点设置为以每秒20步,每步25像素移动。“Follow me”软件每秒测量距离20次(所有这些参数在最新版本的“Follow me”中可调,详情见附录1)。
本科受试者被指示参加一个面试前的面试,这是面向研究生的面试。参与者需要假装他们是研究生,因此在回答有关“研究生学校生活”的问题时制造谎言。实验者解释说,欺骗只限于这个假设的工作面试,并不会对现实生活有任何影响。在这项研究中获得的个人信息保密。 在回答有关本科学校生活的问题时,本科生的参与者被告知说实话。
预测试包括两个阶段。在每个阶段,一名助理采访了上述51个问题的参与者。问题的顺序在两个阶段都是伪随机的。 在阶段1之后,参与者完成了与我们的研究无关的任务(即,解决拉文矩阵问题)5分钟,然后进入工作面试的阶段2。
参与者被随机分配到以下四组中的一组:单一任务组(N = 30),其中参与者在任何阶段都不操作“Follow me”任务;双单任务组(N = 30),其中参与者在阶段1期间连续地操作“Follow me”任务;单双任务组(N = 30),其中参与者在阶段2中连续地操作“Follow me”任务;双重任务组(N = 31),其中参与者在两个阶段中连续地操作“Follow me”任务。
双单,单双和双双任务组的参与者在面试前执行“Follow me”任务。在实践中,他们回答了一些与假设的工作面试无关的问题。此外,实验者解释说,跟踪红点的性能是面试的一部分,他们应该尽最大努力。
在“Follow me”任务上的表现
在整个采访中,计算机屏幕和参与者的口头响应都由计算机同时记录。录音再次被重播,以确定参与者在“Follow Me”软件收集的数据中的响应时间窗口。助理阅读问题的关键词(例如,“导师”问题:“本科/研究生学年的教师名称”)被视为回应的开始时间,因为 参与者开始编码/检索真实/欺骗性的信息。终止响应被视为结束。 来自19位参与者的数据未包括在以下分析中,因为难以在“Follow me”收集的数据中确定其回复的时间窗口。最终的分析包括25名学员参加了双单任务组中,21名参加了单双重任务组和25名学员的双双重任务小组。
响应过程中的距离波动示例如图2所示。通过快速傅里叶变换分析距离波动的频谱。主频率(具有最大振幅)在频带0.8和4.4赫兹之间(高通:0.8赫兹,低通:4.4赫兹)计算各响应。(频谱中的最大频率为10 Hz)选择此频段是因为它捕获了操作员调整鼠标指针移动方向的频率。此外,在每个响应期间计算最大和平均距离。
为了比较响应不同条件的一致性,对2(响应类型:真实/欺骗性)*4(任务条件:双双,双单,单双,单单)ANOVA测试进行了比较一致性程度。结果显示,反应类型(真/谎)效应显着,F(3, 117) = 10.06, p lt; 0.001, eta;2 = 0.205;.。组效应显着,F(3, 117) = 10.06, p lt; 0.001, eta;2 = 0.205; 然而,反应类型和组之间的相互作用也很重要,F(3,117)= 2.69, p = 0.049, eta;2 = 0.065. 为了探索简单的效果,分别对真实和欺骗性反应进行方差分析测试,两者都显示出显着的群体效应。对于真实的回应,F(3, 117) = 6.59, p lt; 0.001, Bonferroni事后检测显示,单一和双重条件之间存在显着差异, Cohens d = 1.13, p = 0.002; 在单一和双重双重条件之间,Cohens d = 1.19, p = 0.001. 对于欺骗性的反应,F(3, 117) = 7.53, p lt; 0.001, Bonferroni事后检测显示,单一和双重条件之间存在显着差异,Cohens d = 0.88, p = 0.014; 在单一和双重双重条件之间,Cohens d = 0.90, p = 0.003; 在双单和双双条件之间,Cohens d = minus;0.84, p = 0.014;单双和双双条件之间, Cohens d = 0.87, p = 0.003. 总体而言,参加单单组均高于双单,双双组更一致。因此,“Follow me”任务影响响应的一致性。
分别对每组进行配对样品t检验。 结果显示,参与者在说实话中比在说谎中更一致; all t 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料
Measuring the cognitive resources consumed per second for real-time lie-production and recollection: a dual-tasking paradigm
Chao Hu, Kun Huang, Xiaoqing Hu, Yanshuo Liu, Fang Yuan, Qiandong Wang and Genyue Fu
This research report presents a novel method of dual-tasking lie-detection. Novel software “Follow Me” was invented for a concurrent eye-hand coordination task during truth-telling/lying. Undergraduate participants were instructed to tell truths on questions about undergraduate school whereas they were instructed to tell lies on interview questions about graduate school, pretending they were graduate students. Throughout the experiment, they operated the “Follow Me” software: moving the mouse pointer to follow a randomly-moving dot on a computer screen. The distance between the mouse pointer tip and the dot center was measured by the software every 50 ms. Frequency of distance fluctuation was analyzed as the index of cognitive effort consumed per second (i.e., “degree of cognitive effort”). The results revealed that the dominant frequency of distance fluctuation was significantly lower during encoding than during retrieving responses; and lower during lying than truth-telling. Thus, dominant frequency of distance fluctuation may be an effective index of cognitive effort. Moreover, both encoding and retrieving bald-faced lies were more cognitively effortful than truth-telling. This novel definition and measurement of degree of cognitive effort may contribute to the research field of deception as well as to many other fields in social cognition.
Lying is a daily routine for everybody (Bond and DePaulo, 2006) and could incur significant harm for society. Thus, lie-detection is necessary and critical in multiple contexts, such as employment screening, insurance claims, and police interrogation. However, detecting lies via observing behavioral cues is usually difficult (Bond and DePaulo, 2006; Bond and Depaulo, 2008). Recent studies demonstrated that deception detection may be improved if diagnostically useful questioning is employed (Levine et al., 2014a), especially if the interrogators are experts who are familiar with the context of deception (Levine et al., 2014b). However, diagnostic interrogation is not possible in many contexts, e.g., when diagnostic interrogation is offensive. Thus, a valid and accurate measure that could help identify liars or fabricated accounts directly in these contexts is desirable. However, there is no lie-specific physiological activity that can be unambiguously linked to lies (Lykken, 1998). Thus, some researchers focus on the psychological activity inherent to lying.
Based on theories that lying is cognitively demanding and people are inferior at multi-tasking (Pashler, 1994; Logan and Gordon, 2001), researchers have proposed that lie-detection can benefit from the manipulation of cognitive load. For example, observers were more successful at identifying liars when they were telling a lie in a chronologically reverse order, which occupied more cognitive resources than telling the same lie in chronological order (Vrij et al., 2008). Lying often involves more cognitive operations and a higher cognitive workload than does truth-telling (Johnson et al., 2003, 2008; Walczyk et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2011, 2013; Debey et al., 2012), although there were some exceptions for repeated lies (Hu et al., 2012; Van Bockstaele et al., 2012).
In spite of these promising results, a study on university students diaries revealed that lying in everyday life is usually casual (“zero consequence”), difficult to discern, and evokes little cognitive effort (DePaulo et al., 1996). In fact, some researchers believe that lying is prevalent in everyday life because lying is less cognitively effortful than truth-telling in many situations (McCornack et al., 2014).
This dispute may be due to the potential variance in definition of “cognitive effort.” Therefore, we define “cognitive effort” as the cognitive resource consumed per unit time, instead of the total cognitive resource consumed over the whole time of truth-telling/lying. It is true that lying could be less effortful than truth-telling, and thus people often lie in order to save the total cognitive resources that would be consumed over the whole time of speech (see McCornack et al., 2014). However, lying should consume more cognitive effort per unit time than truth-telling when other relevant conditions are equal—such as the amount of speech, complexity of grammar, and the difficulty in retrieving related information from memory—because compared with truth-telling, lying involves an additional cognitive process, namely the manipulation of the retrieved information. Besides, deployment of a lie usually involves awareness of the conflict between the expression and the individuals belief, which necessarily does not exist in truth-telling. Of course, deployment of a truth (e.g., admitting an extramarital relationship) could also involve other cognitive processes (e.g., estimation of the negative outcomes and related emotion reactions) that make truth-telling more effortful than lying. Nevertheless, we can hypothesize that lying should be more effortful than truth-telling if no other mental process is involved (i.e., lack of consequences or emotional reactions).
In order to test our hypotheses, we conducted a study in which a group of participants responded to the same interview questions twice. When responding to the questions the first time, the participants encoded lies/truths, and when they responded the second time, they retrieved the previously-encoded lies/truths. We hypothesized that it should be more cognitively effortful to encode than to retrieve information, as previously suggested by other researchers (see McCornack et al., 2014). Moreover, lying should be more cognitively effortful than truth-telling in both encoding and retrieving ph