2 Historical Development and Grammaticalization
According to Duan Yucairsquo;s annotation (1981: 21 [1815]) of Xu Shenrsquo;s Shuōweacute;n Jiĕzigrave; 说文解字 Explanation and Annotation of Words written during the first century AD, mĕi was originally created to convey the meaning of “tender tips of bamboo shoots”, and when reduplicated,4 it expressed the meaning “flourishing” as shown in (7). Duan further noted that mĕi was then extended to describe anything that was “abundant” or “plentiful” as shown in (8).
(7) 原田每每,舍其旧而新是谋。 (4th Century BC, Zuo Zhuan)
yuaacute;ntiaacute;n megrave;i-megrave;i, shĕ qiacute; jiugrave; eacute;r xīn shigrave; moacute;u
field flourish rid POSS old but new PART gain
The (bamboo) field is flourishing, (someone) gets rid of the old and
seeks the new.
(8) a. 怀和为每怀,咨才为诹。 (3rd Century BC, Guoyu)
huaacute;i heacute; weacute;i mĕi huaacute;i, zī caacute;i weacute;i zōu
mindful compromise is plenty in-mind, consult talent is consult
Thoughtful compromise takes a lot of thought. To consult talent is to
seek advice.
b. 誇者死权,品庶每生。 (1st Century AD, Hanshu)
kuāzhĕ sĭ quaacute;n, pĭnshugrave; mĕi shēng
boast-person lose power commoner plenty life Braggarts lose power/strength; commoners desire life.
In dictionary entries, most Chinese etymologists cite Duanrsquo;s assessment of mĕirsquo;s origin as “flourish/plenty” as shown in (7)-(8). However, to my knowledge, no ety-mologists or grammarians have explored mĕirsquo;s process of grammaticalization from its original adjective predicate meaning “flourishing”in the texts of Archaic Chinese to the distributive universal quantifier meaning it has in Modern Chinese, as touched upon in Sect. 1. This section aims to just do that.
First, let us see how mĕi extended its etymological meaning “tips of bamboo shoots” to the earliest predicate meaning “flourishing” and then to “plenty, abundant”. This process can be represented as the cline in (9):
- “tips of bamboo shoots” gt; “flourishing” gt; “plentiful/abundant”
A study of mĕi in pre-Qin texts written between the seventeenth and second centuries BC5 reveals no instance of mĕi conveying its simple concrete nominal meaning “tips of bamboo shoots”. There are, however, two instances of reduplicated mĕi found in pre-Qin texts: One was given in (7) from Zuo Zhuan and the other is presented in (10) from Zhuangzi. Interestingly following Xu Shenrsquo;s or rather Duan Yucairsquo;s explanation, the mĕi in (7) has always been interpreted as “flourishing” in subsequent texts, whereas the one in (10) has been interpreted as hugrave;nmegrave;i “confused” by some Chinese etymologists such as Ci Yuan “Origins of Chinese Words”(1988).
(10)故天下每每大乱,罪在于好知。 (4th Century BC, Zhuangzi)
gugrave; tiānxiagrave; megrave;imegrave;i dagrave;luagrave;n zuigrave; zagrave;iyuacute; hagrave;o zhī
because world confuse disorder sin originate like control
That the world is in a confused mess originates from the desire to control.
The interpretation of mĕi in (10) as “confused” seems faulty because it does not share any direct semantic relationship with other meanings of mĕi used prior to or during this time period. Duanrsquo;s assertion, however, that when mĕi is reduplicated, it conveys the meaning “flourishing”, “plentiful”, or “abundant” makes more sense. As a result, it is more appropriate to interpret megrave;imegrave;i in (10) instead as “often/frequently”. This will be discussed in detail later. Furthermore, it seems reasonable to argue that reduplication is the means by which mĕirsquo;s original nominal meaning “the tip of a bamboo shoot” extended to the adjective predicate meaning “flourishing”. This process is similar to the way that distributive expressions have often developed cross-linguistically (cf. Haspelmath 1995). In other words, the reduplication of mĕi “the tip of a bamboo shoot” gives rise to the meaning “flourishing” through the implication of “many bamboo shoot tips” (cf. Yang Kairong (In press) on the relationship between reduplication and number in this volume). Once this interpretation is established, it becomes easy to understand the semantic extension from the predicate “flourishing” to the abstract “plenty/abundant” connotation used to describe any substance in the universe (“flourishing” gt; “plenty/abundant”). This is a simple process of metaphoricalization where the two conceptual domains have an analogous relationship.
Since there is no actual instance of mĕi being used to express the etymological meaning “bamboo shoot tips” in historical texts, we consider “flourishing” to be mĕirsquo;s earliest meaning, and “plentiful/abundant” its first extended meaning or first polysemy. This shift from the earliest to the first extended meaning, as noted above, is a simple process of metaphoricalization, and its first step toward becoming grammaticalized into a distributive universal quantifier.
From the historical data (mostly pre-Qin texts), we have found that the next change mĕi underwent was the development of the regular adverbial function “often/ frequently” which, in turn, led to its interpretation as an adverbial singularative quantifier meaning “every time”. Let us first examine the examples in (11).
(11) a. 宾礼每进以让,丧礼每加以远。 (3rd Century BC, Liji)
- 原田每每,舍其旧而新是谋。(公元前4世纪,《左传》)
- a怀和为每怀,咨才为诹。(公元前3世纪,《国语》)
- “鲜笋尖”gt;“繁荣的”gt;“大量充足的”
(10)故天下每每大乱,罪在于好知。(公元前4世纪,《庄子 》)
(12)a.At a welcome ceremony,every time(a guest) enters(the door),(the host should)yield. At a funerary ceremony,every time(a guest)adds space,(the dead)gets farther away.
b.Like string music,things change their rhythm in the end every time.
c.If well prepared,it is not difficult to deal with them each/every time.
- *In a year,there are people who die each time.
- a子入太庙,每事问。(公元前3世纪《文选》)
(17)岁 (2)
日 (2)
夜 (1)
事 (2)
鼓 (1)
我们认为“每”的分配性的全称量词功能是从副词性单数量词功能通过语义分析引申而来的,“语义变化的过程是由语言运用者通过解释文本引起的,这种解释需要依靠句法位置和与周围文本的联系。”(Xing2013)在“每”的使用情况下,它转变功能从量化一个动作如“每次做”到量化一个名词成分“每 名词短语”,名词短语可以是任何可数名词如“年/日/夜/事/鼓”。这种转变可以用(18)连续体来表示。