
 2022-12-11 08:12


Elizabeth Yukins

The absence of father figures in Richard Wrights fiction is a much discussed phenomenon among Wright scholars. His stories portray many rites of patriarchy—the traffic in women, masculine economic and political competition, homosocial bonding, misogyny— but few instances of sustained, integrated father-son narratives. In many ways, the fatherlessness of Wrights protagonists accentuates his thematic interests. Without the presence of black paternal figures, his black male characters can immediately embark on Wrights central theme of 'the struggle for self-possession' as both familial isolates and social actors unbound and unprotected by paternal surveillance.

The Long Dream may not be an example of Wrights finest writing, it should be considered a key text in the Wright canon for it illustrates his mature vision of how race and economics combine to shape the psychosexual dynamics of masculinity in twentieth-century America. In The Long Dream, the psychological and social development of Wrights protagonist, Fishbelly (Fish) Tucker, is thoroughly enmeshed in the experiences and teachings of his father, Tyree. Unlike Wrights absent or dead fictional fathers, such as Biggers father in Native Son (1940) or Cross Damons in The Outsider (1953), Tyree Tucker plays a formative role both in developing Fishbellys consciousness and in shaping the central themes of the novel: embattled masculinity, the economics of racialized patriarchy, and the sexual psychology of racism.

Yet, despite the central importance of Tyrees character, his presence in no way eases the patriarchal tensions and psychological conflicts between the white and black communities in the novel. As an inhabitant of a racist social order—living in an environment locally organized by his father but ruled by white authorities—Fishbelly struggles to understand the structure of patriarchy and the characteristics of black masculinity. In Wrights literary vision, the presence of a black father in fact exacerbates the structural tensions between proximate black fathers and distant, omnipotent white Fathers. In fact, as I will argue in this essay, The Long Dream explores the ways in which tyrannical white patriarchs demand filial supplication from both black fathers and sons. The social hierarchy portrayed by Wright positions black fathers simultaneously as mentors and traitors—that is, they train their sons to be supplicants to white dominant authorities, and thus teach them to be traitors to themselves. The paradoxical relations between black fathers and sons in Wrights final novel is captured by Katherine Sprandels description of Tyree Tucker as 'the loving father, who helps destroy his son' . However, as I will demonstrate, Tyrees presence in Fishbellys life is not wholly destructive, for Tyree also provides his son with the material means by which to disrupt the Law of the white Father and to pervert its reproductive machinations. Recognizing the dependence of white authority on Tyree supplies his son with a collection of illicit paper documents that Fishbelly knows he should not possess but must deploy in order to free himself. Fishbelly thus inherits from his father an understanding of his own social illegitimacy, and also, crucially, certain tools by which to subvert this illegitimacy. Over the course of the novel, Fishbelly develops and comes to articulate what I call bastard consciousness, a term that serves to describe both his struggles to understand his own identity in light of his fathers symbolic impotence and his recognition of the vulner-ability of white patriarchal authority to illegitimate expropriations of economic and legal power. The bastard, in other words, learns to wield the Fathers tools.

Wright began examining the conflict between black fathers and white patriarchal power in his study of colonial politics in White Man, Listen! In this collection of essays, Wright draws on the psychoanalytic theories of Octave Mannoni to argue that European colonization succeeded by displacing indigenous religious and social traditions with reverence for white religion and concomitant white political authority. In one essay entitled 'The Psychological Reactions of Oppressed People,' Wright describes this exploitative development as a transition from the power of traditional 'fathers of the people'—the priest, the mystic, the saint, the chief—to the seemingly transcendent authority of alien white 'Fathers of the people' . Psychic domination occurs, according to Wright, when the proximate 'fathers' of one cultural group become dominated by the imperialistic 'Fathers' of another. Wright uses similar language to describe the European invasions of Asia and Africa in his laudatory review of Mannonis study, Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization (1956). In this review article for The Nation, Wright echoes Mannonis theory about the neuroses of colonial domination when he describes the disruption of traditional cultures by white incursion:What of the impact of these neurotic white faces upon the personality of the native? Steeped in dependence and anchored in ancestor-worshipping religion, the native is disposed to identify the powerful white faces falling athwart his life with the potency of his dead father who had sustained him in the past.

Accepting the invasion, he transfers his loyalties to those faces; but the whites, because of the psychological, racial and economic luxury derived from domination, keep aloof. An agony is induced in the native heart, trying to live under a white rule that mocks it.

Despite the many biases of Wrights and Mannonis psychoanalytic histories—other colonial critics such as Frantz Fanon strongly dispute such theories of native peoples primary inferiority and dependence



Elizabeth Yukins


《长梦》也许不是赖特最优秀的作品,但它应该被认为是赖特经典的一个重要著作,它说明了赖特在20世纪美国男性的性心理动力学中,将种族和经济相结合的成熟视角。在《长梦》中,赖特的主角Fishbelly Tucker的心理以及社会发展,是完全深陷其父亲泰瑞的经验和教育的。不像赖特的在1940年《土生子》中Bigger的父亲或者1953年《局外人》的Damon的缺失或者死去的父亲,泰瑞塔克发挥的作用是塑造了Fishbelly Tucke的意识和小说的中心主题:四面楚歌的阳刚之气,种族化的父权制的经济学和种族主义的性心理。

然而,由于泰瑞的性格的重要性,他的存在无疑减缓了小说中白人和黑人社区之间的紧张关系和心理冲突。在种族主义社会秩序下,作为一个生活在环境由他父亲组织但由白色机关裁决的居民,Fishbelly在父权制的结构和特点中努力挣扎。在赖特的文学视野里,黑人父亲的存在事实上加剧了邻近的黑人父亲和远处的万能的白人父亲的结构性矛盾。事实上,正如我在这篇文章中的看法,《长梦》探索了残暴的白人家长如何从黑人父亲和儿子中获得需求。赖特站在黑人父亲的位置上,同时扮演着导师和叛徒这两个社会等级,为此,他们教育他们的儿子对白人主导的政府是求助者,从而教他们背叛自己。在赖特的小说中黑人父子间矛盾的关系最终是由Katherine Sprandel对泰里塔克的描述捕获:“慈爱的父亲,他帮助毁灭他的儿子”。然而,如我证明的那样,泰里的存在对于Fishbelly Tucke的生活并不完全是破坏性的,因为他的儿子泰瑞还提供了物质手段,扰乱了白人父亲的法律并且妨碍其生殖的阴谋。认识到对白人政权的依赖,如银行票据,支票,和其他经济和法律文件,他的儿子泰瑞收集非法文件,Fishbelly知道他不应该拥有,但是为了释放自己他必须部署这些。Fishbelly因此继承了他父亲的社会性,最重要的是,通过一定的工具来颠覆这个不合逻辑的事情。在小说的过程中,fishbelly发展而来的表达其所谓的私生子的意识,用来描述他努力理解父亲的象征意义,曝光自己的身份和他对白人父权权威非法征用经济和法律权力或能力识别。私生子,换句话说,是学会运用父亲的工具。












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