
 2022-12-27 04:12

The Journal
of Religion and Film

Shinto Perspectives in Miyazakis Anime Film 'Spirited Away'

by James W. Boyd and Tetsuya Nishimura

Vol. 8, No.2, October 2004

Shinto Perspectives in Miyazakis Anime Film 'Spirited Away'

by James W. Boyd and Tetsuya Nishimura


[1] Among the anime films by Hayao Miyazaki made available in English translation, Spirited Away contains the most folk and Shrine Shinto motifs.1 The central locale of the film is a bathhouse where a great variety of creatures, including kami, come to bathe and be refreshed. This feature, plus the portrayal of various other folk beliefs and Shrine Shinto perspectives, suggests that Miyazaki is affirming some basic Japanese cultural values which can be a source of confidence and renewal for contemporary viewers.

I. Synopsis of the film

[2] Spirited Away is the story of a young Japanese girl named Chihiro, who, with her parents, is moving to a new city to live. The first scene shows Chihiro sulking in the back seat of the car when her father takes the wrong road as they approach their new house.

[3] They pass an old torii leaning against a large tree, surrounded by numerous 'spirit houses,' and Chihiros eyes grow large. The road leads to a tunnel-like entrance of an abandoned theme park. Her parents set out to explore the park, cross a dry river bed, and to their surprise, find a food stall open but unattended. They begin to eat with voracious appetites, but Chihiro, worried that they shouldnt be eating, refuses to join them and cautiously looks around the area. She comes upon a large building that is apparenly an operative bathhouse.

[4] As it turns to dusk, she meets a young boy named Haku, who tells her to leave at once. Puzzled, she runs to get her parents, but they are still eating and to her horror have turned into pigs. Unable to leave -- the river bed is now filled with water -- she is comforted and helped by Haku, who escorts her through a strange realm of 'ghosts and goblins,' a world of wondrous creatures who have come to bathe and be refeshed in the bathhouse run by an old woman named Yubāba (yu = 'hot water,' bāba = 'old woman').

[5] Eventually Yubāba steals Chihiros name (chi =1000, hiro = 'inquire, fathom, look for,' so Chihiro can mean 'looking deeply,' or 'inquiring after many things'). Yubāba gives her a new name -- Sen (an alternate reading of the same written character), which she is commanded to use. Sen is given a difficult job cleaning the bathhouse, but is befriended by a young, assertive woman named Lynn, and an old man with multiple spider-like arms who is in charge of the boiler room, named Kama-jī ( kama ='iron pot, boiler;' = 'old man').

[6] Sen encounters many other strange creatures, including three bouncing body-less heads, a sumo-sized creature with fingers like radishes, and apparitions dressed in classic court attire with white square masks (kasuga sama).2 There are also non-human (but human-like) creatures such as 'frog men' (kaeru otoko) and 'cleaning women' (namekuji onna=slug women); a huge white dragon (probably a ryūjin= dragon associated with water); and a most mysterious black, shadowy, ambivalent figure named 'No Face' (kao nashi).

[7] Sen increasingly manages to be courageous and stand her ground firmly but politely in a number of frightening and potentially dangerous encounters. She eventually helps Haku (whose alternate form is a white dragon) remember his original name, i.e., his true identity. Sen, not forgetting her real name is Chihiro, is able, eventually, to leave this unusual place after passing a final test put to her by Yubāba. She is told to identify her parents among a group of pigs, but sees that none of them are her parents and is soon reunited with her real human parents who had been anxious about Chihiros whereabouts. They leave the theme park, walking back through the long tunnel-like passage, and to her parents puzzlement, find their car slightly covered with dust and debris. Driving away her father asks (only in the dubbed English version of the film) if she is up to the challenges of a new home and new school. A more self-confident Chihiro responds 'I think I can handle it.'3

II. Shinto Perspectives

[8] There are many folk and Shrine Shinto perspectives embedded in the cultural vocabulary of this film. The director Miyazaki explicitly acknowledges his indebtedness to this tradition. He refers, for example, to his 'very warm appreciation for the various, very humble rural Shinto rituals that continue to this day throughout rural Japan'4 and cites the solstice rituals when villagers call forth all the local kami and invite them to bathe in their baths.5 This, apparently, is the inspiration for the bathhouse locale in the film, and his reference to kami invokes the essence of the Shinto tradition. A brief outline of some basic perspectives of the Shinto world view will provide an overall framework for understanding the film and various incidents and characters in it.

[9] Shrine Shinto understands the whole of life, including both humans and nature, as creative and life giving.6 A generative, immanent force (musubi; ki; kami-nature) harmoniously pervades the whole phenomenal world. This creative process is a continual, ongoing one, and is neither arbitrary nor deterministic. Unusual or 'superior' manifestations of this generative, vital



作者:James W. Boyd and Tetsuya Nishimura



  1. 电影梗概







  1. 神道学观点


神道学能理解生活的全部,包括人与自然,正如创造和给予生命。 鲜活,内在的力量和谐贯穿整个现实世界。这样的创作过程是一个持续的,既不是任意的,也不确定。不寻常而鲜活,至关重要的力量,被称为神明至高无上的体现,证明了其存在和巨大效力。所有的现象都是神明的侧影,例如,太阳,月亮,山,水,田,海,雨,风,植物和动物,或伟人,英雄或领袖。但是,体验大自然的这些方面的神明存在需要一颗纯净美丽的和心脏,情感,精神和意志的条件是不容易实现的。

这样做的原因是,虽然我们在此普遍重要过程是接地的,我们常常不能与它连接。就像布满灰尘的镜子,我们的个性的配置,即,我们的心,白浊和不透明。正如自然界的某些方面可以被污染, 一条河可以变得肮脏和恶臭,同样人的心脏和头脑也肯那个缺乏新鲜感和活力。当我们的心被污染,我们做不好事情,拖泥带水;我们变得铁石心肠,隐藏真实的自己,拒绝公开我们的感受。

因此,我们需要在这样的方式,我们可以“自我净化”行动 ,擦去污染。这意味着,无论从字面上清洁自己, 洗去污垢,以及净化我们的态度,培养健全的,纯净而明亮的心脏,才能真正有“诚意”行事对他人和世界。培养在我们所有的内在风骨的这种感觉是在日本的谚语简洁地表示:“无论是痛苦和幸福取决于我们如何承担我们的心。也就是说,我们每个人基本上是负责我们的态度和我们的行动,我们可以要么不利的情况下给予或尝试“清理”的问题,并改善我们的状况,难度不亚于可能。


  1. 解读千与千寻

第一幕中,千寻是即将进入超乎寻常的境界是她牌坊的大眼睛看上一眼,靠在一棵老树,由小房子般的圣地所包围。鸟居标志着一个地方上级效力,可以影响一个人的生活变化。但是,从居住于这样的地方神明派驻受益,一些特殊要求:一是必须敏感地认识到它们的存在。如果一个经验上从平凡和日常全球移动,进入阈限的领域可能出现这种情况。由于范根纳普和特纳已经说明,要想成为新的东西人们必须首先放弃旧的,通过一个阈限阶段就是不伦不类移动,然后返回 - 但作为一个谁是“再形成”到一个新的persona.在日本的情况下它需要一个清洗 - 擦拭远抑制我们外部和内部的污染,在这样一个新的和动态条件到达。


影片的日本标题明确表示该阈限的境界。在标题森千寻的最后一句没有神明,隐字面意思是“用的东西隐藏的神明。”有日本神明,隐金妮,是指事故的民间称号,当有人莫名失踪了一段时间的表达。如果当这个人返回 - 这人是否还记得自己走了 - “被神明隐藏”的人说,那个人已经被千寻的父母不记得自己走了;在返回到他们的车,他们发现这莫名其妙地布满了树叶和灰尘。但千寻自己不记得她的转型之旅神明的境界。

凭借奇特的洞察力,宫崎传达给我们怎样不同的怪神明的无数可以be.有命名白山小男孩是谁,像其他河流神明我们会尽快提了,就是在他的纯粹的形式,白色的河龙。千寻也遇到动物和植物,如小小鸡和一个白色的相扑般的萝卜神明,神道观念的反映,所有的现象都有神明潜力神明。宫崎骏本人是指这样的想法:“在爷爷奶奶的时间,”他说,“有人认为,白酒[神明]存在无处不在 - 在树木,河流,昆虫,水井,任何事情我这一代人不相信这一点,但我喜欢这个主意,我们都应该珍惜一切,因为可能存在的精神在那里,因为那里是一种生活的一切,我们应该珍惜的一切。“(节选)



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