
 2022-12-30 12:12


Meaning,Metaphor,and Allusion in T lsquo;ang Poetry


单位: Princeton University Cornell University

摘 要


关键词:比较语境 ;理论建构;近体诗 ;美典理论

4. 隐喻语言与分析语言


句法在诗歌中起什么作用? 在SDI即将结束时,该问题有了暂定答案。 从本文的角度再次考虑这个问题似乎是合适的。

较早的答案是根据意象语言(imagistic language)和命题语言(propositional language)之间的区别提出的。当外部语法很弱并且名词内部组成包含着重于感觉的元素时,我们所拥有的就是意象语言。当语法很强并且分析的清晰度超过感觉强度时,我们所拥有的就是命题语言。此外,我们观察到两种语言在分布和功能上是互补的。在一首新近风格的诗中,中间的两联大体上都使用意象语言来表现单个物体的感官品质。相反,在最后一联中最常出现的连续句法则将诗中较早出现的离散项统一起来。简而言之,我们认为这两种语言分别由语法的存在和不存在定义,它们在新近风格诗的不同部分中发挥不同的作用。

然而,句法在诗歌中的作用仍是一个很大的问题。本文首先呼吁人们关注对等原理(the principle of equivalence)的中心重要性,并着手证明当简单形象通过它们的共同品质作为等价物时,其结果就是隐喻语言(imagistic languag)。然后指出,隐喻语言只是从更具包容性的角度来看的意象语言,这种角度考虑了名词之间的等价关系。但是,等价关系是在没有连续元素之间的句法关系的情况下进行的,有时甚至是与之竞争的关系。那么问题就再次出现了,句法在诗歌中是否起任何积极作用?由于雅各布森(Jakobson)似乎暗示对等是诗歌中唯一重要的关系,因此这个问题变得更加尖锐。如果是这样,就没有语法的空间了。


我们将给出三种示例。第一种是特殊类型的隐喻,其中“如果hellip;hellip;那么hellip;hellip;”关系将隐喻括起来,从而抵消了隐喻的力量。第二个是扩展的隐喻(extended metaphor),其中神话思维首先建立了等价关系,然后分析性思维接手将隐喻扩展到其逻辑结论。在第三组示例中,我们将尝试表明通常被认为是分析语言领域的时空关系也可以通过使用意象隐喻语言来表达。所有这些的目的是说明两种语言(以及两种基本的思维方式)如何相互作用。

乍一看,隐喻似乎是隐喻语言的主要领域,与构成隐喻语言之物具有等价关系。但是实际上通常也涉及分析语言和概念性思考。“我的爱是一朵红玫瑰”是一个比喻,等于两件事。系词“是”强调等价关系,但是没有它也可以表达比喻,例如,“我的爱,一朵红色,红色的玫瑰”。现在考虑“我的爱,玫瑰,是红色的”。这两种模式都存在。用玫瑰标识“我的爱”,然后得出进一步的含义。神话般的思维将所有事物都视为一个,从而影响了最初的认同。绘画蕴涵是概念性思维的工作。因此,结果是最基本的扩展隐喻,其中概念性思维服从于神话思维,并为神话思维服务。现在考虑另一个变种:“如果我的爱是玫瑰,那就是红色。” “我的爱是一朵玫瑰”是一个比喻。但是当隐喻力作为推论的前提出现时,它就被抵消了。 “如果hellip;hellip;那么hellip;hellip;”将隐喻括起来,并将等价关系归入逻辑关系。换句话说,在这个例子中,概念性思维主导着神话般的思维。

唐诗中的情况是相似的,但有一个区别。用中文时,原因和后果之间的关系并不总是很明显。在适当的上下文中,两个连续的句子本身没有任何明显的标记就足以构成暗示关系。在“落花如有意/来去逐船流” “Fallen petals, as if interested, Circle around in pursuit of the boat”(760)中,蕴含的关系清楚地用ju一词“as if”来标记;假设首先将掉落的花瓣拟人化,随后产生某些后果。这两行实际上是一个邀请。听众被邀请像落下的花瓣一样来跟随船。在下一个发生在告别诗结尾的示例中,关系不那么清楚。春风知别苦/不遣柳条青,“Spring wind knows parting is bitter; Does not cause willow branches to turn green.” (766)这些诗在我们翻译它们时就可以读懂,在这种情况下,它们构成了一个隐喻,将春风的拟人化为一个已知和关心的事物。否则,我们可能会在这些行中看到一个隐式的“如果hellip;hellip;那么hellip;hellip;”关系:“如果春天的风知道分开很苦,那么它不会导致柳树枝变绿。”暗示关系使一切都变得完全理性,隐喻消失了。但是离别是理性不愿意接受的东西。在这种情况下寻求的不是理性而是理性。的确,我们在这些行中可以看到一个凄美的愿望:“ [我希望]春风知道分离很苦,[因此]不会导致柳树枝变绿。”


刚才所说的大部分内容也适用于接下来的两个示例。孟浩然在思索远处的朋友时写道:“还将两行泪/遥寄海西头” “Would still take two lines of tears, And send far to the west of the sea.' (439)这些是连续的线,由各种句法标记焊接在一起。在这种表示客观世界的分析语言中,诗人注入了一个隐喻;动词“send”将“tears”转换成类似字母的形式。第二,诗人成功地引起了人们对不能流泪的事实的注意。仿佛他认识到了不可能,但坚持要这样做。“陇山鹦鹉能言语/为报家人数寄书”“Parrot of Mount Lung knows how to speak; Time and again conveys messages to keep folks at home informed.”(CTS, 2106)由于第一行显然是第二行的前提,因此思维方式似乎是分析性思维的方式,直到我们意识到,即使如果鹦鹉会说话,它仍然不知道将消息传递到何处。思维干扰了理性的行使。


隐喻语言和分析语言之间的相互作用可以采取两种形式。 首先,隐喻被嵌入到诸如暗示之类的分析关系中。 “如果我的爱是玫瑰,那就是红色”就是这种形式的例证,在上一节中对此进行了详细讨论。 第二种形式使隐喻成为主导。一旦通过神话思维确立了基本的对等关系,概念思维就会加入进来,以得出进一步的推论。 “我的爱,一朵玫瑰,是红色的”说明了这种变化,我们现在就将转向这里。确实有可能概述唐诗中扩展隐喻的发展。

杜甫有一句诗“山靑花欲燃”“The hills are green, and the flowers about to burn” (766)。它的前身是庾信的诗“山花焰火燃”,字面意思是“山花燃烧的火焰”,意思是“山上的花朵像燃烧的火焰一样燃烧。” 邀请读者进一步说明这些花正在燃烧红色。庾信和杜甫的两句诗之间有进一步的压缩。中间术语“火”被删除。但是,动词“燃”在“即将燃烧的花朵”中的优先性迫使读者得出以下结论:将花朵与火进行比较,并进一步暗示花朵在燃烧红色。简而言之,一旦确定了初始的对等关系,其他后果必然随之而来。

这种扩展的隐喻受到了李贺的青睐。“羲和敲日玻璃声”“Hsi-ho whips the sun that tinkles like glass.” (CTS, 4400)再次省略了中间步骤。太阳就像玻璃一样,因为它们既明亮又有光泽。 因此,当太阳的战车西镐撞击太阳时,太阳就像玻璃一样闪烁。 “银浦流云学水声”“By the Silver River, flowing clouds mimic sounds of water.' (CTS, 4399),“银河”是银河系。形容词“流”将云与水等同起来,这进一步暗示了银河。 当云飘动时,它们听起来也像水。李贺的影响力可以从他最著名的仰慕者之一李商隐的诗中看出。李商隐写道“月浪衡天天宇湿”“Moon waves cross the sky, and the eaves of the sky become wet.' (CTS, 6233)将月亮和海浪联系起来的比喻得到进一步扩展,得出的结论是,月亮像海浪一样,可以润湿天空的屋檐。

这些示例的目的部分是为了追溯文学技术的血统。 但更重要的是,它们显示了隐喻如何通过压缩和扩展来工作。前者受神话思维影响,后者受概念思维影响,在这一共同事件中,神话思维起主导作用。





云母屏风烛影深 长河渐落晓星沉。
嫦娥应悔偷灵药 碧海青天夜夜心

Behind the mica screen candle shadows are deep.

Long River gradually falls, morning star sinks.
Lady Chang O should regret having stolen the elixir.

[Over] azure seas [and] blue skies, night after night

the [same] thought. (834)

前两行描述了一个人,可能是诗人的性格,在云母屏幕后面看着夜晚变成黎明。他为什么这么寂寞? 给出的答案是对嫦娥夫人的暗示,后者偷走了丈夫的长生不老药,被发现后逃往月宫。她的过犯超出了极限。从这个意义上说,她说明了所有浪漫主义者的命运。浪漫的爱情使他的马车登上了一颗星星,无论是爱情,真相还是美丽,他发现自己都与世界其他地方隔绝了。 命运在最后一行中表达,“ [同一]思念夜复一夜,[在]蔚蓝的海洋[和]蓝天。”



Meaning,Metaphor,and Allusion

in Tang Poetry


Princeton University Cornell University

Meaning and the Principle of Equivalence
1.1 Definition of Equivalence
1.2 Metaphor and Allusion as Equivalence Relation

2. Metaphor and Metaphoric Relation
2.1 Categories and Qualities
2.2 From Implication and Qualification to Metaphor

2.3 The Centrality of Verb
2.4 Covert and Overt Metaphor
2.5 Varieties of Metaphor
2.6 Equivalence as Organizing Principle
2.7 Equivalence Relation and the Lyric

3. Allusion and Historical Archetype
3.1 Definition and Scope
3.2 The Structure of Allusion
3.3 Metaphor and Allusion Compared

3.4 Global and Local Allusion

3.5 History as Archetype

4. Metaphoric Language and Analytic Language

4.1 War of Words
4.2 Extended Metaphor
4.3 Space and Time as Qualities

4.4 Jakobson Revisited
4.5 Methodological Overview


4.1 War of words

What is the role of syntax in poetry? This question was given a tentative answer towards the end of SDI. It seems fitting to consider the question once again from the perspective of the present paper.

The earlier answer was formulated in terms of the distinction between imagistic language and propositional language. When external syntax is weak and the internal composition of noun compounds contains elements strongly oriented towards sensory qualities, what we have is imagistic language. When syntax is strong and analytic clarity dominates over sensory intensity, what we have is propositional language. Further, we observed that the two languages are complementary in distribution and in function. In a Recent Style poem, the middle couplets by and large use imagistic language to display the sensory qualities of individual objects. In contrast, continuous syntax, which occurs most frequently in the final couplets, unifies the discrete items that appeared earlier in the poem. In short we argued that the two languages, respectively defined by the presence and absence of syntax, serve different functions in different parts of a Recent Style poem.

The role of syntax in poetry, however, is a problem that is still very much with us. The present paper began by calling attention to the central importance of the principle of equivalence, and pro- ceeded to show that when simple images are related as equivalents through their shared qualities, the result is metaphoric language. It was then pointed out that metaphoric language is just imagistic language viewed from a more inclusive perspective, a perspective that takes the equivalence relation among nouns into account. But equivalence is a relation that operates in the absence of, and some- times in competition with, syntactic relations between contiguous elements. The question again arises whether syntax has any positive role to play in poetry. The problem becomes all the more acute since Jakobson seems to imply that equivalence is the only relation that matters in poetry. If so, there is no room for syntax.

Our earlier theory, which viewed metaphoric language and analytic language as being separate but equal, implied a rejection of Jakobsons extreme position. We are now ready to go one step further and show that, in addition to the functions performed by each language separately, the two sometimes also join forces to ac- complish things that cannot be accomplished by either alone. Moreover, each language is associated with one of the two basic modes of thought. In the earlier paper we noted the similarity between imagistic language and mythical thinking in that they both emphasize concentration, isolation, and intensity. Another feature of mythical thinking is its preference for equivalence and identity; for the mystic, all things are equivalent to each other and to the One. Clearly the mode of thought underlying metaphoric language is analogous to, if not identical with, mythical thinking. On the other hand, analytic language uses syntax to indicate the various relations among parts of a sentence-relations such as spatial and temporal condition, class membership, implication, etc. It is a self-conscious and discursive language with an obvious affinity to conceptual thinking. Thus in considering the interplay between the two lan- guages, we will also be concerned with the interplay between the two modes of thought.

Three kinds of examples will be given. The first is a special type of metaphor in which the if-then relation brackets the metaphor and thus neutralizes the metaphoric force. The second is the extended metaphor, in which mythical thinking first establishes the equivalence relation and then analytic thinking takes over to extend the meta- phor to its logical conclusion. In the third set of examples, we will attempt to show that spatial and temporal relations, usually thought of as the domain of analytic language, can also be expressed through the use of imagistic-metaphoric language. The purpose of all this is to illustrate how the two languages (and the two underlying modes of thought) interact.

At first sight metaphor seems to be the eminent domain of meta- phoric language and the equivalence relation that constitutes it. But actually analytic language and conceptual thinking are also often involved. 'My love is a red, red rose' is a metaphor equating two things; the copula 'is' emphasizes the equivalence relation but the metaphor can just as well be expressed without it, for ex- ample, 'My love, a red, red rose.' Now consider 'My love, a rose, is red.' Here both modes are present. 'My love' is identified with a rose, and then further implications are drawn. Mythical thinking, which sees everything as One, effects the initial identification. Drawing implication is the work of conce



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