
 2022-12-09 03:12


出处: Siyanova, Anna., Schmitt, Norbert. (2007). Native and nonnative use of multi-word vs. one-word verbs: pp119 - 128


1. Introduction

One feature of English which many L2 learners find difficult is multi-word verbs, such as put off, run into, and come up with (Dagut and Laufer 1985; Hulstijn and Marchena 1989; Laufer and Eliasson 1993; Granger 1998; Liao and Fukuya 2004). These multi-word verbs are considered problematic for a number of reasons. At the most basic level, multi-word verbs contain two or more orthographic words working together, making them difficult to recognize as a single semantic unit. Unless a learner knows that a string of words is a multi-word verb, they are likely to try to decode the meanings of the individual words. Also, these verbs have to be acquired, stored and retrieved from memory as a holistic unit (Wray and Perkins 2000).

Another problem is that the meanings of multi-word verbs vary on a cline of transparency. Some are quite easy to work out from the individual words (get back from a trip = return), while others are virtually impossible (brush up on your French = revise). The multi-word verbs with an idiomatic meaning can entail difficulty, because of the mismatch of the idiomatic meaning and the meanings of the individual words in the verb. An additional complication is that certain multi-word verbs are polysemous (bring up the tools from the basement = carry them up; bring up children = nurture; bring up a suggestion = mention) (Biber et al. 1999). Moon (1998) suggests that around 5 percent of phrasal lexemes in general are polysemous, which leads to multiple meanings being married to a string of multiple words.

There can also be grammatical questions concerning the use of multi-word verbs. There may be uncertainty whether the verb in question allows particle movement or not; most phrasal verbs allow particle movement, while most prepositional verbs do not (Carter and McCarthy 2006) (phrasal verb - I will bring up this issue tomorrow. I will bring this issue up tomorrow; prepositional verb - You need to go up the stairs and turn left. *You need to go the stairs up and turn left).

If the intrinsic difficulty of multi-word verbs were not enough, they may be a totally novel construction for many English learners. Multi-word verbs are a feature of the Germanic language family, to which English belongs (Darwin and Gray 1999; Dagut and Laufer 1985), and so students who are not German or Scandinavian may be particularly unfamiliar with them, and are likely to lack the strategies to deal with them. Laufer (2000), Dagut and Laufer (1985), and Schachter (1974) argue that L2 learners tend to avoid those linguistic categories that do not exist in their L1, and so it is unsurprising that several studies have shown that learners avoid these verb forms, and struggle with them when they do try to use them. For instance, Granger (1998) found that the learners in the ICLE corpus (see below) generally used fewer amplifier collocations (perfectly natural, closely linked) than native speakers, but used far more active sentence–builder formulae (I think that, I would say that) than natives. De Cock (2000) reported that some formulaic sequences were overused, some underused, and others simply misused by nonnatives when compared to native norms. Dagut and Laufer (1985) found that the majority of intermediate Israeli learners of English exhibited a strong preference for one-word verbs. The authors attributed this finding to L1–L2 structural differences.

In contrast, Liao and Fukuya (2004) suggested that the avoidance or non-avoidance of phrasal verbs could be a manifestation of learnersrsquo; interlanguage development rather than the L1–L2 differences or similarities. They observed a number of intermediate learners producing phrasal verbs much less frequently than both native speakers and advanced learners. The latter, on the other hand, did not exhibit significant avoidance behavior and demonstrated a near-native use of the target verbs. Similarly, Hulstijn and Marchena (1989) investigated avoidance behavior in advanced and intermediate Dutch learners of English when performing three tasks: multiple-choice test, memorization test and translation test. The authors concluded that neither advanced nor intermediate learners avoided phrasal verbs as a category.

In some cases, there is no obvious multi-word verb which can replace a one-word verb: to privatize a business. Conversely, sometimes only a multi-word verb will do: she made up her face, he put on his coat. However, the crux of the problem is that there is often a choice between a multi-word verb and a one-word verb which mean roughly the same thing (I will call you when I get back/return from my trip). Both members of these verb pairs can be grammatically and semantically correct, with the main difference usually being the register, or tone they project. Multi-word verbs tend to be “colloquial in tone” (Biber et al. 1999: 409), and are an important component of spoken, informal English (Freeborn 1995; Altenberg 1998; Biber et al. 1999), especially when compared to written discourse. One-word verbs, on the contrary, tend to have a slightly more formal register, and are thus more at ease in less colloquial contexts, for example, in academic discourse and official written reports.

For learners, the issue is not so much choosing the verb form which carries the correct meaning, but rather choosing the verb which has the appropriate register, and which conforms to the expectations of the speech community. As such, the correct selection between multi-word verbs and their one-word counterparts makes a difference in how <e



出处: Siyanova, Anna., Schmitt, Norbert. (2007). Native and nonnative use of multi-word vs. one-word verbs: pp119 - 128



对于许多二语习得者来说,英语中的一大难点则是多词动词。例如:put off, run into, come up with等。有许多原因导致了这些词变成难点。从最基本的层面说,多词动词由两个或两个以上的正字拼写词组成,使得它们难以被看作单语义单元。除非学习者知道那一连串的词为多词动词,否则他们很有可能会尝试着解码单个单词。另外,这些动词必须作为一个整体单元被习得、记忆及使用。

另一个问题则是多词动词意思的透明度变换。有一些词可以很容易从字面猜出意思(比如get back from a trip =回来),但有一些则不太可能猜(比如brush up on your French=修订)。具有惯用意义的多词动词,由于习语的意义与动词中的个体词并不匹配,因此被认作难词。另一个复杂点则是某些多词动词为一词多义(比如bring up the tools from the basement = 带走它们;bring up children = 抚养;bring up a suggestion= 提议)。Moon提出,大约有5%的短语词位都是一词多义,导致许多意思绑定了许多词语。

多词动词也存在许多语法上的问题。对于是否允许语序调动这一问题,存在着不确定性:大部分动词词组都允许允许调动,然而大多数介词动词则不允许(比如,动词词组中I will bring up this issue tomorrowI will bring this issue up tomorrow均可;而介词动词中You need to go up the stairs and turn left则不能写作You need to go the stairs up and turn left)。

如果内在的复杂性还不足说明多词动词的难度,那它们对于许多英语学习者来说则是一种完全新颖的构造。多词动词归英语所属的耳曼语系的一种特质,所以不是德国或斯堪的纳维亚的学生可能对他们特别陌生,并很可能缺乏处理该种动词的策略。 Laufer、Dagut和Laufer,以及Schachter认为,L2学习者往往会避免这种不存在与他们母语的语言类别,因此,有些研究显示出,学习者往往会在需要使用多词动词时感到很吃力,那也是不足为奇的。 例如,Granger发现,ICLE语料库(见下文)中的学习者通常较母语者而言,对增强语的使用较少(完全自然,且紧密相连),但较本地人而言,更多地使用活跃的句子结构(比如:我认为,我会这么说)。 De Cock报道,一些程式语被过度使用,一些则未被充分利用,而其他的与本地形式规则相比,则被非本地人误用。Dagut和Laufer发现,绝大多数中等以上以色列英语学习者对单词动词表现出强烈的偏好。作者将这一发现归因于L1-L2的结构差异。


在某些情况下,多词动词是无法代替单词动词的:比如,Privatize a business。相反,有时又只有多词动词能行得通:比如,she made up her face, he put on his coat。 但是,问题的关键在于,常常在多词动词与单词动词间会有选择,并且都大致地表示同一件事(例:I will call you when I get back/return from my trip)。这两对动词无论在语法上还是语义上都是正确的,最大的不同则是表达方式或语气。多词动词往往较“口音化”,是口语,特别与书面语相反。而相反,单词动词更倾向于一种正式的表达,且较多用于少口语化的语境中,例如在学术话语或官方书面报告。




1. 多词动词和单次动词在写作和口语中被英语为母语的人使用的相对频率是多少?

2. 高级英语学习者是否会像母语者一样使用多词或单词动词?

3. 在L2语言环境下的暴露是如何影响非母语者使用多词动词或单词动词的?



2.1 本研究中的多词动词和单词动词

在本研究的26个多词动词中,有14组的结论是从以前的研究中得出的,其余则是我们在计划研究期间任意从各种文本和对话中择取的。这些词主要有以下特征:它们的使用频率不同,一些词的意思很明显,一些词是双字形词,一些则是三字形词,而一些是多义词,一些是单义词。总的来说,它们旨在表示学习者在学习和使用英语时可能遇到的多单词动词的范围。对每一个这样的多词动词来说,都会选一个意义相近的单词动词(如come up with和suggest)。因此,本研究的基于语料库的部分调查了26个多词与单词动词(见附录1)。

2.2. 语料库咨询

在基于语料库的方法中,我们将通过参考CANCODE语料库(集合了500万词主要是非正式口语英语)来查看口语多词动词和他们的单词对应词的本地使用。 通过咨询英国国家语料库(BNC)的9000万字书写内容,将意义相同的动词在书面话语中进行比较。学习者在书面话语中使用的动词将通过检查国际学习英语语料库(ICLE)来作确定,该语料库是来自十一种欧洲语言的学习者撰写的3,640篇文章,共250万字的集合。

2.3. 设计动词用法调查问卷

为了直观地对比动词组的本地和非本地化用法,我们设计了一个同时针对于两组动词的调查问卷。在调查问卷的试点版本(附录2)中,26组动词被设置在一个情景或短暂的对话中。因为多词动词被认为是非正式语言话语的一个特征,所以全篇语境都是用口语化风格书写的。往往是用高度口语化的词和表达方式(例如:mates,pub,have a chat,yeah),且/或将对话作文语境,例如:

(1)You are saying to your friend: “It was such a disappointment. We drove all the way to Manchester only to find out that the game was _____ due to the heavy rain!”(你对朋友说:“真扫兴。我们大老远开车来曼彻斯特,难道就是为了来看比赛因为大雨而被______吗!”)

A.Called off




之前的研究需要参与者从四个选项中选出一个答案:包括短语动词,单词动词或一到两个误选项。 这种方法逼迫参与者即使是在对多词和单词选项有同样偏好的情况下,也必须要选出一个答案。为了获得关于动词形式使用的更精准的测量,我们选择了一个六点式的李克特式量表,将选项从“不太可能”分到“很可能”。有了这个模型,参与者可以指出他们是否喜欢某一种动词形式,或者他们是否两者都喜欢,或两者都不喜欢。比如说,我们发现主题常常会将一个动词选为“可能”,而对另一个动词则选择“相当可能”。这表明,虽然两个动词都可能会被主体用于同一个语境中,但是我们也可以发现他们对某一动词的偏好,尽管那种偏好很小。Cronbach Alpha内部可靠性(从研究中的参与者评分中获取)对于多字动词为.864,对于单字动词为.877。




- 40名诺丁汉大学的本科生和研究生,并都为不同专业(20至35岁;8名男性和32名女性)

- 25名在海外或英国大学学习英语,并于6年内毕业的专业人士。他们大多数从事翻译或同声传译、英语教师、或担任管理和行政职位。他们每天都使用英语,且熟练程度可以视为高级(尽管这一点无法被直接证实)。他们一些人住在英国,一些则住在母国。(年龄22至35岁,5名男性和20名女性)

3. 结果

3.1. 英语作为母语时,多词动词和单词动词在写作和口语中的相对频率是多少?

文献表明,多词动词是英语中很重要的一个特征,特别是在非正式的口语中。但是很少有研究将多词动词的频率与单词动词的频率作对比。我们通过查询CANCODE(本土口语)和BNC(本土写作)语料库(见附录1)对26对动词进行了频率分析。在绝对频率方面,多词动词中有一半(13)于CANCODE中每百万词就出现十次,像passive, deer,和lounge都归属这些词。但是,其他的11个词则很少出现,还有两个(tell off, call off)完全没有出现。另一方面,只有八个多词动词于BNC中每百万次就出现十次,剩下的(除了tell off)都是低频。这些结果与之前的研究结果一致,即多词动词在口语上比在书面语上使用得更频繁。更另一方面,在任何一种话语模式中,许多多词动词都相对不频繁。


为了进一步探索多词动词与其单词对组之间的选择,我们计算出了每个动词出现的相对频率。比如,我们统计了mess around和misbehave的出现次数,并计算出比例。Mess around 共出现在了71%的BNC书写语料库中,而misbehave为29%。因此在这组动词中,多词动词出现在书写形式中的频率更高。而在CANCODE口语语料库中,这种偏好更强烈:mess around = 77%, misbehave = 23%. 但是,当我们查看ICLE语料库时,我们发现学习者更偏好使用misbehave(67%)而非mess around(33%)。

看表2中的26组动词,我们发现一些人在口语中更多地选择多词替代,且单词替代在书面话语中更突出。对于两组动词来说(go on/continue; go up/rise),偏好是非常强烈的。这种行为是意料之中的,但只发生于26对中的3对中。我们同样发现有些动词对中,多词动词在书面和口语中都被偏好,但26组中只出现5组。




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